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Delaware News

 Pages Tagged With: "BillSigning"

Wilmington School Redistricting Moves Forward under New Laws

Emphasizing the opportunity to solve a decades-long problem that has limited educational opportunities for children in the City of Wilmington, Governor Markell signed two bills that pave the way for redrawing school district boundaries to reduce the number of districts in the City and help families better participate in their children’s schools.

Governor Markell signs new bill to enable DNREC to issue low-numbered surf fishing vehicle plates

Governor Jack Markell, DNREC Secretary David Small, legislators and surf fishing groups and enthusiasts were on hand as the Governor signed HB348, which allows DNREC and the Division of Parks & Recreation to issue low-numbered surf vehicle plates (1-1000) by sale or auction.

Governor Markell signs bill declassifying and updating fines for certain hunting, fishing and boating offenses

At Wilmington’s DuPont Environmental Education Center, as DNREC Secretary David S. Small and Delaware Chief Justice Leo Strine looked on, Delaware Governor Jack Markell signed legislation that changes more than three dozen less severe environmental offenses associated with wildlife, hunting, fishing and boating from environmental misdemeanors to environmental violations and exempts these violations from being included in state criminal history records.

Governor Jack Markell signs House Bill 310 to create Fort DuPont Redevelopment and Preservation Corporation

Surrounded by supporters, area legislators, and Delaware City officials, Governor Jack Markell signed legislation to advance the revitalization of what he called “one of the most underutilized sites in the state.”

 Pages Tagged With: "BillSigning"

Wilmington School Redistricting Moves Forward under New Laws

Emphasizing the opportunity to solve a decades-long problem that has limited educational opportunities for children in the City of Wilmington, Governor Markell signed two bills that pave the way for redrawing school district boundaries to reduce the number of districts in the City and help families better participate in their children’s schools.

Governor Markell signs new bill to enable DNREC to issue low-numbered surf fishing vehicle plates

Governor Jack Markell, DNREC Secretary David Small, legislators and surf fishing groups and enthusiasts were on hand as the Governor signed HB348, which allows DNREC and the Division of Parks & Recreation to issue low-numbered surf vehicle plates (1-1000) by sale or auction.

Governor Markell signs bill declassifying and updating fines for certain hunting, fishing and boating offenses

At Wilmington’s DuPont Environmental Education Center, as DNREC Secretary David S. Small and Delaware Chief Justice Leo Strine looked on, Delaware Governor Jack Markell signed legislation that changes more than three dozen less severe environmental offenses associated with wildlife, hunting, fishing and boating from environmental misdemeanors to environmental violations and exempts these violations from being included in state criminal history records.

Governor Jack Markell signs House Bill 310 to create Fort DuPont Redevelopment and Preservation Corporation

Surrounded by supporters, area legislators, and Delaware City officials, Governor Jack Markell signed legislation to advance the revitalization of what he called “one of the most underutilized sites in the state.”