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Delaware News

 Pages Tagged With: "college savings"

Delawareans Gear Up to Celebrate 529 Day

Investing in tomorrow while honoring the past As the nation wraps up its Memorial Day observances, Delawareans eagerly anticipate another significant celebration just two days later. May 29th marks 529 Day, a time aimed at highlighting the critical importance of saving for higher education through 529 education savings plans. These plans, named after Section 529 […]

College Savings on the Rise in Delaware

More accounts and $36,100 in incentives added in first half of 2023 Almost twice as many people as last year have started saving for higher education with DE529 Education Savings Accounts according to State Treasurer Colleen Davis. More than 1,400 new DE529 accounts opened through June of 2023, a number 41% higher than during the […]

529 Day is 5/29

With Memorial Day falling on May 29th, we have the opportunity to remember the heroes of our past and take the opportunity to invest in the heroes of our future…our children. State Treasurer Colleen Davis once again joins the nationwide celebration of saving for higher education. 529 Day, which takes place every year on May […]

Almost $40,000 in “Free Money” Paid to DE529 Accounts

Also, unused education savings can soon rollover for retirement “First State, First Steps,” a pilot incentive program for Delawareans offering a $100 contribution to a new DE529 Education Savings Plan account added $37,700 to accounts over the last six months of 2022. “I am thrilled that our First State, First Steps program gave 377 young […]

Give the Gift of Education This Year

The holiday season can be stressful as shoppers search for the perfect present. Opening a DE529 Education Savings Plan account or contributing to an already existing account lets you not only cross a gift off of your list but provide for the future as well.

 Pages Tagged With: "college savings"

Delawareans Gear Up to Celebrate 529 Day

Investing in tomorrow while honoring the past As the nation wraps up its Memorial Day observances, Delawareans eagerly anticipate another significant celebration just two days later. May 29th marks 529 Day, a time aimed at highlighting the critical importance of saving for higher education through 529 education savings plans. These plans, named after Section 529 […]

College Savings on the Rise in Delaware

More accounts and $36,100 in incentives added in first half of 2023 Almost twice as many people as last year have started saving for higher education with DE529 Education Savings Accounts according to State Treasurer Colleen Davis. More than 1,400 new DE529 accounts opened through June of 2023, a number 41% higher than during the […]

529 Day is 5/29

With Memorial Day falling on May 29th, we have the opportunity to remember the heroes of our past and take the opportunity to invest in the heroes of our future…our children. State Treasurer Colleen Davis once again joins the nationwide celebration of saving for higher education. 529 Day, which takes place every year on May […]

Almost $40,000 in “Free Money” Paid to DE529 Accounts

Also, unused education savings can soon rollover for retirement “First State, First Steps,” a pilot incentive program for Delawareans offering a $100 contribution to a new DE529 Education Savings Plan account added $37,700 to accounts over the last six months of 2022. “I am thrilled that our First State, First Steps program gave 377 young […]

Give the Gift of Education This Year

The holiday season can be stressful as shoppers search for the perfect present. Opening a DE529 Education Savings Plan account or contributing to an already existing account lets you not only cross a gift off of your list but provide for the future as well.