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Delaware News

 Pages Tagged With: "Delaware Secretary of Education Mark Holodick"

Delaware Forest Service Celebrates Arbor Day and Poster Contest Winners at Abbott’s Mill

Surrounded by family members, teachers, legislators, and cabinet officials, a dozen school-aged children from across Delaware were honored during the Delaware Forest Service’s annual Arbor Day celebration held on April 26 at Abbott’s Mill Nature Center for their artistic abilities, depicting this year’s theme of “Trees are Terrific…For Outdoor Adventures!”

 Pages Tagged With: "Delaware Secretary of Education Mark Holodick"

Delaware Forest Service Celebrates Arbor Day and Poster Contest Winners at Abbott’s Mill

Surrounded by family members, teachers, legislators, and cabinet officials, a dozen school-aged children from across Delaware were honored during the Delaware Forest Service’s annual Arbor Day celebration held on April 26 at Abbott’s Mill Nature Center for their artistic abilities, depicting this year’s theme of “Trees are Terrific…For Outdoor Adventures!”