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Delaware News

 Pages Tagged With: "drug abuse"

DPH Announces 22nd DEA National Prescription Drug Take-back Day For Delaware

Delaware will hold its 22nd National DEA Prescription Drug Take-Back Day on Saturday, April 30, 2022. Delawareans can discard their expired or unused medications at locations statewide between 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. There will also be Sharps disposals for needle disposal at select locations, and overdose response education with free Narcan available at select locations.

Division of Public Health Coordinates Prescription Drug Take-Back Day for September 12

National studies show that the majority of abused prescription drugs are obtained from family and friends, and that includes the home medicine cabinet. That’s why the Division of Public Health’s Healthy Homes Program is coordinating the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day on Saturday September 12, 2015 between 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m.

Governor Markell Signs Good Samaritan Bill to Prevent Overdose Deaths

Surrounded by families who have lost loved ones to drug overdoses, Governor Jack Markell signed Senate Bill 116 to address the rising number of these fatalities by granting criminal immunity to individuals who report an alcohol or drug overdose.

Settlement Reached in Overprescribing Case

Secretary of State Jeffrey Bullock has signed an order to accept a consent decree setting forth numerous requirements that Dr. Patrick Titus must satisfy before he is allowed to resume prescribing controlled substances.

 Pages Tagged With: "drug abuse"

DPH Announces 22nd DEA National Prescription Drug Take-back Day For Delaware

Delaware will hold its 22nd National DEA Prescription Drug Take-Back Day on Saturday, April 30, 2022. Delawareans can discard their expired or unused medications at locations statewide between 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. There will also be Sharps disposals for needle disposal at select locations, and overdose response education with free Narcan available at select locations.

Division of Public Health Coordinates Prescription Drug Take-Back Day for September 12

National studies show that the majority of abused prescription drugs are obtained from family and friends, and that includes the home medicine cabinet. That’s why the Division of Public Health’s Healthy Homes Program is coordinating the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day on Saturday September 12, 2015 between 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m.

Governor Markell Signs Good Samaritan Bill to Prevent Overdose Deaths

Surrounded by families who have lost loved ones to drug overdoses, Governor Jack Markell signed Senate Bill 116 to address the rising number of these fatalities by granting criminal immunity to individuals who report an alcohol or drug overdose.

Settlement Reached in Overprescribing Case

Secretary of State Jeffrey Bullock has signed an order to accept a consent decree setting forth numerous requirements that Dr. Patrick Titus must satisfy before he is allowed to resume prescribing controlled substances.