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Delaware News

 Pages Tagged With: "endangered species"

Delaware Receives $120K Grant for American Kestrel Conservation Project

Delaware has received approximately $120,000 from the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service’s Wildlife Restoration Program to support the study and preservation of the American kestrel, a species currently listed as endangered in Delaware and the smallest falcon in North America.

DNREC’s Brandywine Zoo Welcomes Baby Crowned Lemur

 The birth of a Crowned lemur at the Brandywine Zoo is welcome news for this globally endangered species. DNREC/Linnea Hummel photo The Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control and Brandywine Zoo are excited to announce its newest addition, a baby Crowned lemur, which recently was welcomed into the zoo. The lemur baby was […]

Stretch of Beach at Gordons Pond That Closed for Protection of Threatened Piping Plovers is Reopened After Nest Failure

DNREC announced today that a stretch of beach at Gordons Pond within Cape Henlopen State Park has been reopened to beachgoers and surf fishers after the failure of a piping plover nest that was discovered there in late May.

State and Federal Protection of Piping Plover Nest to Close Portion of Beach at Gordons Pond on Cape Henlopen

DNREC announced that the first piping plover nest discovered at Gordon’s Pond in Cape Henlopen State Park since 2016 will result in the temporary closure of 800 feet of beach for protection of the new nest and any piping plover chicks that may hatch and fledge from it.

DNREC to Offer Training for Volunteer Beach-nesting Bird Monitors

DNREC is seeking volunteers who want to help protect Delaware’s beach-nesting birds – which include federally-listed threatened piping plovers and state-listed endangered American oystercatchers.

 Pages Tagged With: "endangered species"

Delaware Receives $120K Grant for American Kestrel Conservation Project

Delaware has received approximately $120,000 from the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service’s Wildlife Restoration Program to support the study and preservation of the American kestrel, a species currently listed as endangered in Delaware and the smallest falcon in North America.

DNREC’s Brandywine Zoo Welcomes Baby Crowned Lemur

 The birth of a Crowned lemur at the Brandywine Zoo is welcome news for this globally endangered species. DNREC/Linnea Hummel photo The Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control and Brandywine Zoo are excited to announce its newest addition, a baby Crowned lemur, which recently was welcomed into the zoo. The lemur baby was […]

Stretch of Beach at Gordons Pond That Closed for Protection of Threatened Piping Plovers is Reopened After Nest Failure

DNREC announced today that a stretch of beach at Gordons Pond within Cape Henlopen State Park has been reopened to beachgoers and surf fishers after the failure of a piping plover nest that was discovered there in late May.

State and Federal Protection of Piping Plover Nest to Close Portion of Beach at Gordons Pond on Cape Henlopen

DNREC announced that the first piping plover nest discovered at Gordon’s Pond in Cape Henlopen State Park since 2016 will result in the temporary closure of 800 feet of beach for protection of the new nest and any piping plover chicks that may hatch and fledge from it.

DNREC to Offer Training for Volunteer Beach-nesting Bird Monitors

DNREC is seeking volunteers who want to help protect Delaware’s beach-nesting birds – which include federally-listed threatened piping plovers and state-listed endangered American oystercatchers.