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Delaware News

 Pages Tagged With: "“Governor Markell”"

Delaware Division of the Arts invests $1.4 million in the arts sector for Fiscal Year 2013

The Delaware Division of the Arts announces the awarding of $1.4 million in grants for Fiscal Year 2013 to support nearly 100 arts initiatives throughout the state. Twenty-five communities across Delaware will receive grants to support arts programming and services, education, and related marketing and promotion.

U.S. Transportation Secretary LaHood Announces $900,000 for Delaware Anti-Distraction Pilot Project

U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood announced today that the Delaware Office of Highway Safety (OHS) will receive $900,000 in federal support to expand the Department’s “Phone in One Hand, Ticket in the Other.” pilot enforcement campaign to reduce distracted driving.

Governor Markell Opens Summit with State Leaders on Diversity in Government

Over 300 State leaders, including Cabinet secretaries, state agency heads, division directors and human resources professionals participated in the Equal Employment Opportunity Summit which was hosted by the Governor’s Council on Equal Employment Opportunity.

Governor’s Weekly Message: Focus on Jobs in Delaware and at NGA

Governor Markell focuses on jobs and making Delaware a better place to start and grow a business as the nation’s governors gather next week in Washington, D.C. for the winter meeting of the National Governors Association.

Governor Markell Announces New Funding For Financial Literacy Programs

Governor Jack Markell continues his longstanding commitment to improving financial education by announcing a second round of grants available through the State’s Financial Literacy Education Fund (FLEF). Grant applications are due no later than February 17, 2012.

 Pages Tagged With: "“Governor Markell”"

Delaware Division of the Arts invests $1.4 million in the arts sector for Fiscal Year 2013

The Delaware Division of the Arts announces the awarding of $1.4 million in grants for Fiscal Year 2013 to support nearly 100 arts initiatives throughout the state. Twenty-five communities across Delaware will receive grants to support arts programming and services, education, and related marketing and promotion.

U.S. Transportation Secretary LaHood Announces $900,000 for Delaware Anti-Distraction Pilot Project

U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood announced today that the Delaware Office of Highway Safety (OHS) will receive $900,000 in federal support to expand the Department’s “Phone in One Hand, Ticket in the Other.” pilot enforcement campaign to reduce distracted driving.

Governor Markell Opens Summit with State Leaders on Diversity in Government

Over 300 State leaders, including Cabinet secretaries, state agency heads, division directors and human resources professionals participated in the Equal Employment Opportunity Summit which was hosted by the Governor’s Council on Equal Employment Opportunity.

Governor’s Weekly Message: Focus on Jobs in Delaware and at NGA

Governor Markell focuses on jobs and making Delaware a better place to start and grow a business as the nation’s governors gather next week in Washington, D.C. for the winter meeting of the National Governors Association.

Governor Markell Announces New Funding For Financial Literacy Programs

Governor Jack Markell continues his longstanding commitment to improving financial education by announcing a second round of grants available through the State’s Financial Literacy Education Fund (FLEF). Grant applications are due no later than February 17, 2012.