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Delaware News

 Pages Tagged With: "jobs"

$18.8 Million USDA Grant for Job Training Program

State, Local and Federal Leaders Celebrate Delaware’s $18.8 Million USDA Grant for Job Training Program Will Bring Together Partners to Provide Education, Skills to Food Benefit Clients WILMINGTON  – Gov. Jack Markell, joined by federal, state and local leaders, praised the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) today for choosing Delaware as one of 10 states […]

Governor’s Weekly Message: Focusing on Individuals’ Abilities to Grow Our Workforce

In his weekly message, Governor Markell highlights ongoing efforts both in Delaware and across the country to provide employment opportunities for people with disabilities. “Employing people with disabilities makes good business sense and helps government improve the competitiveness of our workforce, said Governor Markell. “It transforms the lives of citizens who often want nothing more than to use their skills to contribute – and it will keep Delaware moving forward.”

Governor’s Weekly Message Transcript: Focusing on Individuals’ Abilities to Grow our Workforce

Nearly a quarter century after the United States passed the landmark Americans with Disabilities Act, only about 30 percent of working age people with disabilities are employed. As we recognize April as Autism Awareness Month, we are reminded of our collective responsibility to change that fact and make possible a more rewarding future for millions […]

Governor’s Weekly Message: Strengthening Our Economy By Making Global Trade More Accessible

In his weekly message, Governor Markell explains the importance of global trade and the state’s Strategic Export Plan, announced earlier this week.

Governor Markell Delivers Keynote Address at UN’s World Autism Awareness Day Event

With an opportunity to advocate alongside the head of the United Nations, Governor Markell gave the keynote address at the UN’s observance of World Autism Awareness Day.

 Pages Tagged With: "jobs"

$18.8 Million USDA Grant for Job Training Program

State, Local and Federal Leaders Celebrate Delaware’s $18.8 Million USDA Grant for Job Training Program Will Bring Together Partners to Provide Education, Skills to Food Benefit Clients WILMINGTON  – Gov. Jack Markell, joined by federal, state and local leaders, praised the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) today for choosing Delaware as one of 10 states […]

Governor’s Weekly Message: Focusing on Individuals’ Abilities to Grow Our Workforce

In his weekly message, Governor Markell highlights ongoing efforts both in Delaware and across the country to provide employment opportunities for people with disabilities. “Employing people with disabilities makes good business sense and helps government improve the competitiveness of our workforce, said Governor Markell. “It transforms the lives of citizens who often want nothing more than to use their skills to contribute – and it will keep Delaware moving forward.”

Governor’s Weekly Message Transcript: Focusing on Individuals’ Abilities to Grow our Workforce

Nearly a quarter century after the United States passed the landmark Americans with Disabilities Act, only about 30 percent of working age people with disabilities are employed. As we recognize April as Autism Awareness Month, we are reminded of our collective responsibility to change that fact and make possible a more rewarding future for millions […]

Governor’s Weekly Message: Strengthening Our Economy By Making Global Trade More Accessible

In his weekly message, Governor Markell explains the importance of global trade and the state’s Strategic Export Plan, announced earlier this week.

Governor Markell Delivers Keynote Address at UN’s World Autism Awareness Day Event

With an opportunity to advocate alongside the head of the United Nations, Governor Markell gave the keynote address at the UN’s observance of World Autism Awareness Day.