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Delaware News

 Pages Tagged With: "President Biden"

President Biden, First Lady Celebrate the Commissioning of the USS Delaware

First State and Navy leaders commemorate the Virginia-class fast attack nuclear submarine USS Delaware WILMINGTON, Del. — President Joe Biden; Dr. Jill Biden, First Lady of the United States and the ship sponsor for USS Delaware; Governor John Carney; the Delaware Congressional Delegation, including a keynote address byU.S. Senator Tom Carper; and state and Navy […]

STATEMENT: Governor Carney on Appointment to Council of Governors by President Biden

WILMINGTON, Del. – Governor John Carney issued the following statement on his appointment to the President’s Council of Governors: “I’m proud to join the bipartisan Council of Governors to help strengthen cooperation between our states and the federal government on a range of threats facing our country – from extreme weather to public health challenges,” said […]

 Pages Tagged With: "President Biden"

President Biden, First Lady Celebrate the Commissioning of the USS Delaware

First State and Navy leaders commemorate the Virginia-class fast attack nuclear submarine USS Delaware WILMINGTON, Del. — President Joe Biden; Dr. Jill Biden, First Lady of the United States and the ship sponsor for USS Delaware; Governor John Carney; the Delaware Congressional Delegation, including a keynote address byU.S. Senator Tom Carper; and state and Navy […]

STATEMENT: Governor Carney on Appointment to Council of Governors by President Biden

WILMINGTON, Del. – Governor John Carney issued the following statement on his appointment to the President’s Council of Governors: “I’m proud to join the bipartisan Council of Governors to help strengthen cooperation between our states and the federal government on a range of threats facing our country – from extreme weather to public health challenges,” said […]