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Delaware News

 Pages Tagged With: "quality of life"

Governor Markell & DHSS join DE’s Congressional Delegation to announce grant to support health insurance marketplaces

Today, Delaware Governor Jack Markell, Delaware Department of Health and Social Services (DHSS) Secretary Rita Landgraf, along with Delaware’s Congressional Delegation of U.S. Sens. Tom Carper and Chris Coons and U.S. Representative John Carney (all D-Del.) announced a $8,536,543 Exchange Establishment Grant award from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to the Delaware Department of Health and Social Services.

Governor Markell to Meet with IT Business Leaders in Mumbai

Governor Jack Markell announced today that he will lead a trade mission to India from February 6 -16, 2013

Governor Markell Delivers First State of the State in Second Term

In his speech in the Senate Chamber, Governor Markell offered new proposals that would create a nurturing environment for employers to start and grow their business, strengthen Delaware’s schools and continue to enhance the quality of life for all Delawareans.

Governor Voices Support for White House Plan to Protect Children and Communities by Reducing Gun Violence

Governor Jack Markell today expressed strong support for the White House’s plan to curb gun violence and protect our children and our communities.

Governor Markell, Lt. Gov. Denn, AG Biden Join Forces to Unveil Responsible Gun Safety Proposals

Governor Jack Markell, Lt. Governor Matt Denn and Attorney General Beau Biden joined together to unveil a series of gun safety proposals.

 Pages Tagged With: "quality of life"

Governor Markell & DHSS join DE’s Congressional Delegation to announce grant to support health insurance marketplaces

Today, Delaware Governor Jack Markell, Delaware Department of Health and Social Services (DHSS) Secretary Rita Landgraf, along with Delaware’s Congressional Delegation of U.S. Sens. Tom Carper and Chris Coons and U.S. Representative John Carney (all D-Del.) announced a $8,536,543 Exchange Establishment Grant award from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to the Delaware Department of Health and Social Services.

Governor Markell to Meet with IT Business Leaders in Mumbai

Governor Jack Markell announced today that he will lead a trade mission to India from February 6 -16, 2013

Governor Markell Delivers First State of the State in Second Term

In his speech in the Senate Chamber, Governor Markell offered new proposals that would create a nurturing environment for employers to start and grow their business, strengthen Delaware’s schools and continue to enhance the quality of life for all Delawareans.

Governor Voices Support for White House Plan to Protect Children and Communities by Reducing Gun Violence

Governor Jack Markell today expressed strong support for the White House’s plan to curb gun violence and protect our children and our communities.

Governor Markell, Lt. Gov. Denn, AG Biden Join Forces to Unveil Responsible Gun Safety Proposals

Governor Jack Markell, Lt. Governor Matt Denn and Attorney General Beau Biden joined together to unveil a series of gun safety proposals.