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Delaware News

 Pages Tagged With: "quality of life"

During Statewide Food Drive, DHSS Seeks Public’s Donations to Restock Emergency Food Closets at State Service Centers

The Department of Health and Social Services, along with the Blood Bank of Delmarva, are joining forces to replenish food closets at the 15 state service centers.

DNREC seeks volunteers for Governor’s Week of Service projects at DuPont Nature Center, wildlife areas, state parks

For the 2013 Governor’s Week of Service from Jan. 11 to 21, the DNREC Divisions of Fish and Wildlife and Parks and Recreation are looking for volunteers to help with winter projects at state wildlife areas and state parks.

Markell, Denn To Begin Second Term with Week of Service and Inaugural Events

The Governor and Lieutenant Governor are announcing their inaugural events will include an interfaith prayer service, a public inaugural ball, a series of volunteer projects during a Week of Service and a call for donations to a new Boys & Girls Club revitalization initiative, in addition to the traditional swearing-in ceremony.

Governor Markell Honors Wilmington Mayor for Decades of Public Service

Acknowledging his extensive service to the State of Delaware and unwavering dedication to the City of Wilmington, Governor Markell presented Mayor James Baker with an Order of the First State, the highest honor for meritorious service the governor can grant.

31 Days to a Healthier You: A Delaware Social Media Campaign;Small Steps Can Lead to Big Rewards for Your Health

The Governor’s Office, the Delaware Department of Health and Social Services and the YMCA of Delaware will kick off a social media campaign on Jan. 1 called “31 Days to a Healthier You.”

 Pages Tagged With: "quality of life"

During Statewide Food Drive, DHSS Seeks Public’s Donations to Restock Emergency Food Closets at State Service Centers

The Department of Health and Social Services, along with the Blood Bank of Delmarva, are joining forces to replenish food closets at the 15 state service centers.

DNREC seeks volunteers for Governor’s Week of Service projects at DuPont Nature Center, wildlife areas, state parks

For the 2013 Governor’s Week of Service from Jan. 11 to 21, the DNREC Divisions of Fish and Wildlife and Parks and Recreation are looking for volunteers to help with winter projects at state wildlife areas and state parks.

Markell, Denn To Begin Second Term with Week of Service and Inaugural Events

The Governor and Lieutenant Governor are announcing their inaugural events will include an interfaith prayer service, a public inaugural ball, a series of volunteer projects during a Week of Service and a call for donations to a new Boys & Girls Club revitalization initiative, in addition to the traditional swearing-in ceremony.

Governor Markell Honors Wilmington Mayor for Decades of Public Service

Acknowledging his extensive service to the State of Delaware and unwavering dedication to the City of Wilmington, Governor Markell presented Mayor James Baker with an Order of the First State, the highest honor for meritorious service the governor can grant.

31 Days to a Healthier You: A Delaware Social Media Campaign;Small Steps Can Lead to Big Rewards for Your Health

The Governor’s Office, the Delaware Department of Health and Social Services and the YMCA of Delaware will kick off a social media campaign on Jan. 1 called “31 Days to a Healthier You.”