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Delaware News

 Pages Tagged With: "qualityoflife"

Statement from the Governor on Death of Former White House Press Secretary James Brady

Governor Markell extended his deepest sympathies to the family of James Brady, former White House Press Secretary, someone the Governor knew and admired over many years.

Governor Markell Signs Bill Authorizing Law Enforcement to Carry, Administer Anti-Overdose Medication

Joined by elected officials, law enforcement officers, first responders, non-profit leaders, and families who have lost loved ones to drug overdoses, Governor Markell signed legislation authorizing law enforcement officers to carry Naloxone, a prescription drug that counteracts the effects of opioid-related overdoses.

Governor Markell Signs Legislation to Strengthen Animal Welfare Laws

Animal welfare advocates, legislators and shelter animals flanked Governor Markell as he signed four animal protection bills at the Delaware Humane Association in Wilmington. The new laws establish oversight and training programs for animal shelters and animal control officers and prohibit shelters from using gas chambers. In addition, trained personnel must evaluate animals seized in criminal activity, cruelty, and animal fighting for adoptability, instead of automatic euthanasia.

Governor Markell Testifies in Support of EPA Plan to Cut Power Plant Emissions

Speaking at one of four sites of nationwide public hearings on the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Clean Power plan, Governor Markell emphasized the environmental and economic benefits of the proposal to reduce dirty emissions from the nation’s power plants by 30 percent by 2030.

Governor Markell joins DNREC Secretary David Small to honor Delaware’s 2014 Young Environmentalists in State Fair ceremony

At the Delaware State Fair, Governor Jack Markell and DNREC Secretary David Small honored four Delaware students recognized as DNREC’s 2014 Young Environmentalists of the Year.

 Pages Tagged With: "qualityoflife"

Statement from the Governor on Death of Former White House Press Secretary James Brady

Governor Markell extended his deepest sympathies to the family of James Brady, former White House Press Secretary, someone the Governor knew and admired over many years.

Governor Markell Signs Bill Authorizing Law Enforcement to Carry, Administer Anti-Overdose Medication

Joined by elected officials, law enforcement officers, first responders, non-profit leaders, and families who have lost loved ones to drug overdoses, Governor Markell signed legislation authorizing law enforcement officers to carry Naloxone, a prescription drug that counteracts the effects of opioid-related overdoses.

Governor Markell Signs Legislation to Strengthen Animal Welfare Laws

Animal welfare advocates, legislators and shelter animals flanked Governor Markell as he signed four animal protection bills at the Delaware Humane Association in Wilmington. The new laws establish oversight and training programs for animal shelters and animal control officers and prohibit shelters from using gas chambers. In addition, trained personnel must evaluate animals seized in criminal activity, cruelty, and animal fighting for adoptability, instead of automatic euthanasia.

Governor Markell Testifies in Support of EPA Plan to Cut Power Plant Emissions

Speaking at one of four sites of nationwide public hearings on the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Clean Power plan, Governor Markell emphasized the environmental and economic benefits of the proposal to reduce dirty emissions from the nation’s power plants by 30 percent by 2030.

Governor Markell joins DNREC Secretary David Small to honor Delaware’s 2014 Young Environmentalists in State Fair ceremony

At the Delaware State Fair, Governor Jack Markell and DNREC Secretary David Small honored four Delaware students recognized as DNREC’s 2014 Young Environmentalists of the Year.