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Delaware News

 Pages Tagged With: "qualityoflife"

New Cedar Creek Boat Ramp Dedicated in Slaughter Beach

Governor Jack Markell, Senator Tom Carper and Senator Chris Coons joined DNREC Secretary Collin O’Mara and Slaughter Beach Mayor Amy J. Reed Parker today to cut the ribbon and dedicate the new Lacy E. Nichols Jr. Cedar Creek Boating Access Area in Slaughter Beach east of Milford. The new facility is a key project in the recently announced Delaware Bayshore Initiative, which promotes conservation and restoration of natural resources, enhances recreational opportunities and encourages low-impact ecotourism to support the local economy along Delaware’s coastline.

Governor Markell honors DNREC’s Outstanding Volunteers

At the Delaware State Fair, Governor Jack Markell, DNREC Secretary Collin O’Mara and U.S. EPA Region III Administrator Shawn M. Garvin honored some of DNREC’s outstanding volunteers.

Governor’s Weekly Message: Delaware State Fair – Our Agricultural Tradition

The Governor delivers his weekly message from this year’s Delaware State Fair, a great agricultural tradition which showcases one of the state’s most important industries.

Governor Markell Honors Winners of 27th Annual Youth Fishing Tournament at Delaware State Fair

The three top trophy winners in the DNREC Division of Fish and Wildlife’s 27th Annual Youth Fishing Tournament were honored today at the Delaware State Fair, where Governor Jack Markell, DNREC Secretary Collin O’Mara and U.S. EPA Region III Administrator Shawn M. Garvin presented them with their trophies.

Governor Signs Bill Requiring Credit Check to Protect Children Aging Out of Foster Care from Identity Theft

With two young people who aged out of foster care and experienced identity theft and credit report issues at his side, Governor Markell signed into law today a measure that helps protect them and others like them from moving into adulthood with no knowledge of their credit report information. Effective January 1, 2013, children preparing to age out of foster care will, by law, receive a credit history report to protect them from identity theft.

 Pages Tagged With: "qualityoflife"

New Cedar Creek Boat Ramp Dedicated in Slaughter Beach

Governor Jack Markell, Senator Tom Carper and Senator Chris Coons joined DNREC Secretary Collin O’Mara and Slaughter Beach Mayor Amy J. Reed Parker today to cut the ribbon and dedicate the new Lacy E. Nichols Jr. Cedar Creek Boating Access Area in Slaughter Beach east of Milford. The new facility is a key project in the recently announced Delaware Bayshore Initiative, which promotes conservation and restoration of natural resources, enhances recreational opportunities and encourages low-impact ecotourism to support the local economy along Delaware’s coastline.

Governor Markell honors DNREC’s Outstanding Volunteers

At the Delaware State Fair, Governor Jack Markell, DNREC Secretary Collin O’Mara and U.S. EPA Region III Administrator Shawn M. Garvin honored some of DNREC’s outstanding volunteers.

Governor’s Weekly Message: Delaware State Fair – Our Agricultural Tradition

The Governor delivers his weekly message from this year’s Delaware State Fair, a great agricultural tradition which showcases one of the state’s most important industries.

Governor Markell Honors Winners of 27th Annual Youth Fishing Tournament at Delaware State Fair

The three top trophy winners in the DNREC Division of Fish and Wildlife’s 27th Annual Youth Fishing Tournament were honored today at the Delaware State Fair, where Governor Jack Markell, DNREC Secretary Collin O’Mara and U.S. EPA Region III Administrator Shawn M. Garvin presented them with their trophies.

Governor Signs Bill Requiring Credit Check to Protect Children Aging Out of Foster Care from Identity Theft

With two young people who aged out of foster care and experienced identity theft and credit report issues at his side, Governor Markell signed into law today a measure that helps protect them and others like them from moving into adulthood with no knowledge of their credit report information. Effective January 1, 2013, children preparing to age out of foster care will, by law, receive a credit history report to protect them from identity theft.