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Delaware News

 Pages Tagged With: "Veterans"

VA Processes Nearly All Disability Claims Pending Over 2 Years, Moves to Complete Those Older Than 1 Year

vThe Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) announced today that as a result of the initiative launched in April to expedite disability compensation claims decisions for Veterans who have a waited a year or longer, more than 65,000-claims – or 97 percent of all claims over two years old in the inventory – have been eliminated from the backlog.

State of Delaware Launches Veterans Services Directory

Governor Jack Markell was joined by Delaware Secretary of State Jeffrey Bullock, State Representative Earl G. Jaques Jr. and representatives from the Delaware Commission of Veteran Affairs to announce the launch of the Veterans Services Directory (VSD), an online, searchable database of public and private organizations that provide services to Delaware military veterans and their families.

Memorial Day Services for May 30th

The Delaware Commission of Veterans Affairs and La Societe 40&8 will host Memorial Day Service on THURSDAY, MAY 30, 2013 beginning at 10:30 A.M. The Service will be conducted at the Memorial Bridge Plaza, Delaware Memorial Bridge, New Castle, Delaware.

Draft Gulf War Task Force Report Released

Today, Secretary of Veterans Affairs Eric K. Shinseki announced that the Department’s Gulf War Veterans’ Illnesses Task Force will publish a
comprehensive draft report.

DSHA’s Loans for Heroes Helps Delaware Veterans Find a Place to Call Home in the First State

Loans for Heroes, which provides veterans with reduced mortgage rates, has funded $3.3 million in mortgage loans since it launched in May of 2012.

 Pages Tagged With: "Veterans"

VA Processes Nearly All Disability Claims Pending Over 2 Years, Moves to Complete Those Older Than 1 Year

vThe Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) announced today that as a result of the initiative launched in April to expedite disability compensation claims decisions for Veterans who have a waited a year or longer, more than 65,000-claims – or 97 percent of all claims over two years old in the inventory – have been eliminated from the backlog.

State of Delaware Launches Veterans Services Directory

Governor Jack Markell was joined by Delaware Secretary of State Jeffrey Bullock, State Representative Earl G. Jaques Jr. and representatives from the Delaware Commission of Veteran Affairs to announce the launch of the Veterans Services Directory (VSD), an online, searchable database of public and private organizations that provide services to Delaware military veterans and their families.

Memorial Day Services for May 30th

The Delaware Commission of Veterans Affairs and La Societe 40&8 will host Memorial Day Service on THURSDAY, MAY 30, 2013 beginning at 10:30 A.M. The Service will be conducted at the Memorial Bridge Plaza, Delaware Memorial Bridge, New Castle, Delaware.

Draft Gulf War Task Force Report Released

Today, Secretary of Veterans Affairs Eric K. Shinseki announced that the Department’s Gulf War Veterans’ Illnesses Task Force will publish a
comprehensive draft report.

DSHA’s Loans for Heroes Helps Delaware Veterans Find a Place to Call Home in the First State

Loans for Heroes, which provides veterans with reduced mortgage rates, has funded $3.3 million in mortgage loans since it launched in May of 2012.