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Delaware News

 Pages Tagged With: "Veterans"

Governor Signs Bills to Support Delaware Veterans

Joined by representatives from various veterans organizations, state officials and members of the Delaware General Assembly, Governor Markell signed House Bill 85 and House Bill 140, establishing the Delaware Veterans Trust Fund and adding it to the list of programs that may receive contributions from personal income tax filings.

Governor’s Weekly Message: Providing Employment Opportunities for Military Personnel

In his weekly message, Governor Markell highlights statewide efforts to secure employment opportunities for Delaware veterans and military personnel. Earlier this week, the Governor signed a proclamation declaring September as “Hire a Vet Month,” which encourages employers to hire those who serve(d) Delaware and the country in the armed forces.

U.S. military members invited to free lecture/tours of the hull of the DeBraak, a shipwrecked 18th-century British warship

Lecture/tours of the hull of His Majesty’s Sloop DeBraak, an 18th century British warship that sank off the Delaware coast on May 25, 1798. For current and former members of the U.S. military only.

VA Starts Campaign to Raise PTSD Awareness

In observance of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) awareness month, the Department of Veterans Affairs National Center for PTSD invites the public to participate in its “Take the Step” campaign.

New Technology in Place for Electronic Submission of Veterans’ Disability Claims

Capability Marks Major Milestone in VA Transformation to Digital Claims Process

 Pages Tagged With: "Veterans"

Governor Signs Bills to Support Delaware Veterans

Joined by representatives from various veterans organizations, state officials and members of the Delaware General Assembly, Governor Markell signed House Bill 85 and House Bill 140, establishing the Delaware Veterans Trust Fund and adding it to the list of programs that may receive contributions from personal income tax filings.

Governor’s Weekly Message: Providing Employment Opportunities for Military Personnel

In his weekly message, Governor Markell highlights statewide efforts to secure employment opportunities for Delaware veterans and military personnel. Earlier this week, the Governor signed a proclamation declaring September as “Hire a Vet Month,” which encourages employers to hire those who serve(d) Delaware and the country in the armed forces.

U.S. military members invited to free lecture/tours of the hull of the DeBraak, a shipwrecked 18th-century British warship

Lecture/tours of the hull of His Majesty’s Sloop DeBraak, an 18th century British warship that sank off the Delaware coast on May 25, 1798. For current and former members of the U.S. military only.

VA Starts Campaign to Raise PTSD Awareness

In observance of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) awareness month, the Department of Veterans Affairs National Center for PTSD invites the public to participate in its “Take the Step” campaign.

New Technology in Place for Electronic Submission of Veterans’ Disability Claims

Capability Marks Major Milestone in VA Transformation to Digital Claims Process