Delaware News

Governor’s Weekly Message: World Languages for Worldwide Jobs

Former Governor Jack Markell (2009-2017) | News | Date Posted: Friday, August 10, 2012

Wilmington –  In his weekly message, the Governor talks about Delaware’s first group of young students, kindergartners and first-graders, who begin learning in Spanish and in Chinese this year, as part of the state’s inaugural World Language Immersion program.  The program will help students prepare to eventually compete for jobs in the global marketplace.

“We know when these students grow up, they will be competing for jobs in the global marketplace and when employers choose where to locate jobs, they will look at where employees have the skills to communicate across markets,” said Governor Markell.  “That will mean fluency in not one, but two or three languages.  And so, we begin four World Language Immersion programs this year, involving over 340 Delaware students.  As we add programs, we estimate we will reach more than 10-thousand students over the next ten years.”

At noon every Friday, the Governor’s office releases a new Weekly Message in video, audio, and transcript form.  The message is available on:

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Transcript of Governor Markell’s Weekly message: World Languages for Worldwide Jobs


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Governor’s Weekly Message: World Languages for Worldwide Jobs

Former Governor Jack Markell (2009-2017) | News | Date Posted: Friday, August 10, 2012

Wilmington –  In his weekly message, the Governor talks about Delaware’s first group of young students, kindergartners and first-graders, who begin learning in Spanish and in Chinese this year, as part of the state’s inaugural World Language Immersion program.  The program will help students prepare to eventually compete for jobs in the global marketplace.

“We know when these students grow up, they will be competing for jobs in the global marketplace and when employers choose where to locate jobs, they will look at where employees have the skills to communicate across markets,” said Governor Markell.  “That will mean fluency in not one, but two or three languages.  And so, we begin four World Language Immersion programs this year, involving over 340 Delaware students.  As we add programs, we estimate we will reach more than 10-thousand students over the next ten years.”

At noon every Friday, the Governor’s office releases a new Weekly Message in video, audio, and transcript form.  The message is available on:

By email: Please contact our press team to subscribe to our press list

Transcript of Governor Markell’s Weekly message: World Languages for Worldwide Jobs


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