Delaware News

Secretary of State Bullock Sends Diwali Greetings to All Delawareans

Delaware Commission on Indian Heritage and Culture | Department of State | News | Date Posted: Tuesday, November 2, 2021

This year between November 2nd through 6th, the Delaware Department of State joins Indian Delawareans in celebrating Diwali, the annual festival of lights celebrated by Hindus, Jains, and Sikhs. Diwali, which is celebrated over the course of five days, symbolizes the spiritual “victory of light over darkness, good over evil, and knowledge over ignorance.”

“As the world recovers from the pandemic, Diwali is a welcome reminder of the power that all of us have to bring light to our communities,” said Secretary of State Jeff Bullock. “To all our Indian neighbors, especially our sister state of Gujarat, may joy and gaiety surround you and your families forever. Happy Diwali!”

The Delaware Commission on Indian Heritage and Culture, a commission which is a part of the Delaware Department of State, consists of nine members whose mission is to foster effective relationships between the Indian American community and the larger community across the State of Delaware.

“May this Diwali be the harbinger of joy, prosperity, and positivity. As this holy occasion fills the air with love and laughter, I’m hoping this festival of lights and beauty brings your way bright sparks of contentment that stay with you through the days and years ahead,” said Palash Gupta, Chairman of the Delaware Commission on Indian Heritage and Culture. “I am very much honored by Secretary Bullock’s support to all Delaware Indian Americans, and the Commission looks forward to continuing working with him and his office on behalf of all Indian Americans.”

To learn more about the Indian Commission on Heritage and Culture, click here.


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Secretary of State Bullock Sends Diwali Greetings to All Delawareans

Delaware Commission on Indian Heritage and Culture | Department of State | News | Date Posted: Tuesday, November 2, 2021

This year between November 2nd through 6th, the Delaware Department of State joins Indian Delawareans in celebrating Diwali, the annual festival of lights celebrated by Hindus, Jains, and Sikhs. Diwali, which is celebrated over the course of five days, symbolizes the spiritual “victory of light over darkness, good over evil, and knowledge over ignorance.”

“As the world recovers from the pandemic, Diwali is a welcome reminder of the power that all of us have to bring light to our communities,” said Secretary of State Jeff Bullock. “To all our Indian neighbors, especially our sister state of Gujarat, may joy and gaiety surround you and your families forever. Happy Diwali!”

The Delaware Commission on Indian Heritage and Culture, a commission which is a part of the Delaware Department of State, consists of nine members whose mission is to foster effective relationships between the Indian American community and the larger community across the State of Delaware.

“May this Diwali be the harbinger of joy, prosperity, and positivity. As this holy occasion fills the air with love and laughter, I’m hoping this festival of lights and beauty brings your way bright sparks of contentment that stay with you through the days and years ahead,” said Palash Gupta, Chairman of the Delaware Commission on Indian Heritage and Culture. “I am very much honored by Secretary Bullock’s support to all Delaware Indian Americans, and the Commission looks forward to continuing working with him and his office on behalf of all Indian Americans.”

To learn more about the Indian Commission on Heritage and Culture, click here.


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