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Delaware News

  Category: Delaware State Housing Authority

DSHA Receives Grant to Help Homeowners

Delaware State Housing Authority | Date Posted: Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Delaware State Housing Authority (DSHA) Director Anas Ben Addi today announced that DSHA was awarded $91,722 from the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD) for comprehensive housing counseling services to be performed by three sub-grantees – First State Community Action Agency, NCALL Research, Inc., and YWCA Center for Homeownership. This is the first time DSHA has received funding as an intermediary for comprehensive counseling services from HUD.

Delaware Homeownership Relief Expands Outreach

Delaware State Housing Authority | Department of Justice | Former Governor Jack Markell (2009-2017) | News | Office of the Governor | Date Posted: Monday, June 10, 2013

The Delaware State Housing Authority (DSHA) and the Delaware Attorney General’s Office joined forces to launch “Delaware Homeowner Relief”, an initiative created using a portion of funds Delaware received through the Multistate Mortgage Foreclosure Settlement between the federal government and five of the nation’s largest mortgage-servicing banks.

Delaware Offers Tax Credit for First-Time Homebuyers

Delaware State Housing Authority | Former Governor Jack Markell (2009-2017) | Office of the Governor | Date Posted: Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Governor Jack Markell joined Delaware State Housing Authority (DSHA) Director Anas Ben Addi and other federal, state and local officials to celebrate Delaware Homeownership Month and to announce a new program that will allow first-time homebuyers to claim a credit on their federal income taxes.

Delaware to Assist Manufactured Homeowners

Delaware State Housing Authority | Department of Justice | Former Governor Jack Markell (2009-2017) | News | Office of the Governor | Date Posted: Monday, April 15, 2013

The new Manufactured Housing Assistance Program (MHAP) has been made available through Delaware Homeowner Relief — a partnership of the Delaware State Housing Authority (DSHA) and the Delaware Attorney General’s Office.

DSHA Awarded $5.1 Million To Create Housing For The Disabled

Delaware Health and Social Services | Delaware State Housing Authority | Former Governor Jack Markell (2009-2017) | News | Office of the Governor | Date Posted: Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Delaware awarded $5.1 million to create and sustain 170 units of affordable housing over five years for persons with disabilities through the Section 811 Project Rental Assistance Demonstration Program.

  Category: Delaware State Housing Authority

DSHA Receives Grant to Help Homeowners

Delaware State Housing Authority | Date Posted: Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Delaware State Housing Authority (DSHA) Director Anas Ben Addi today announced that DSHA was awarded $91,722 from the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD) for comprehensive housing counseling services to be performed by three sub-grantees – First State Community Action Agency, NCALL Research, Inc., and YWCA Center for Homeownership. This is the first time DSHA has received funding as an intermediary for comprehensive counseling services from HUD.

Delaware Homeownership Relief Expands Outreach

Delaware State Housing Authority | Department of Justice | Former Governor Jack Markell (2009-2017) | News | Office of the Governor | Date Posted: Monday, June 10, 2013

The Delaware State Housing Authority (DSHA) and the Delaware Attorney General’s Office joined forces to launch “Delaware Homeowner Relief”, an initiative created using a portion of funds Delaware received through the Multistate Mortgage Foreclosure Settlement between the federal government and five of the nation’s largest mortgage-servicing banks.

Delaware Offers Tax Credit for First-Time Homebuyers

Delaware State Housing Authority | Former Governor Jack Markell (2009-2017) | Office of the Governor | Date Posted: Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Governor Jack Markell joined Delaware State Housing Authority (DSHA) Director Anas Ben Addi and other federal, state and local officials to celebrate Delaware Homeownership Month and to announce a new program that will allow first-time homebuyers to claim a credit on their federal income taxes.

Delaware to Assist Manufactured Homeowners

Delaware State Housing Authority | Department of Justice | Former Governor Jack Markell (2009-2017) | News | Office of the Governor | Date Posted: Monday, April 15, 2013

The new Manufactured Housing Assistance Program (MHAP) has been made available through Delaware Homeowner Relief — a partnership of the Delaware State Housing Authority (DSHA) and the Delaware Attorney General’s Office.

DSHA Awarded $5.1 Million To Create Housing For The Disabled

Delaware Health and Social Services | Delaware State Housing Authority | Former Governor Jack Markell (2009-2017) | News | Office of the Governor | Date Posted: Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Delaware awarded $5.1 million to create and sustain 170 units of affordable housing over five years for persons with disabilities through the Section 811 Project Rental Assistance Demonstration Program.