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Delaware News

 Pages Tagged With: "community"

State to host community meetings on early learning

The Delaware Department of Education will host community meetings across the state in preparation for redesigning the state’s quality rating and improvement system for early childhood education providers.

Public invited to community conversations on early learning

The Delaware Department of Education’s Office of Early Learning invites early learning providers and program representatives, families, and other community members to join community conversations about early learning across the state.

Free DHSS Community Sessions on Addiction Treatment Services and Supports Available in Delaware

NEW CASTLE (Nov. 21, 2017) – Dozens of community partners will participate in a series of free addiction-related community sessions hosted by the Delaware Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health (DSAMH) as a way for people to talk with treatment experts, learn about local services and supports, and have access to a training class […]

Delaware Department Of Justice Announces Availability Of $2 Million In Re-Entry Grants

Funds Represent Largest New State Investment In Community-Based Re-Entry Programs In At Least a Decade Attorney General Matt Denn announced Thursday that workshops will be held in early August to explain to non-profit groups how they can apply for grants from $2 million that has been set aside to support community-based efforts to reduce recidivism among […]

Delaware Health Equity Guide: Changing How we Think About Good Health

Good health is more than simply a visit to the doctor. Only about 10 percent of a person’s health status is impacted by traditional medical care. Health is also directly impacted by where people live, work, play, and pray. To empower communities to address these larger environmental issues, the Division of Public Health (DPH) and members of the University of Delaware’s School of Public Policy & Administration released today the Health Equity Guide for Public Health Practitioners and Partners.

 Pages Tagged With: "community"

State to host community meetings on early learning

The Delaware Department of Education will host community meetings across the state in preparation for redesigning the state’s quality rating and improvement system for early childhood education providers.

Public invited to community conversations on early learning

The Delaware Department of Education’s Office of Early Learning invites early learning providers and program representatives, families, and other community members to join community conversations about early learning across the state.

Free DHSS Community Sessions on Addiction Treatment Services and Supports Available in Delaware

NEW CASTLE (Nov. 21, 2017) – Dozens of community partners will participate in a series of free addiction-related community sessions hosted by the Delaware Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health (DSAMH) as a way for people to talk with treatment experts, learn about local services and supports, and have access to a training class […]

Delaware Department Of Justice Announces Availability Of $2 Million In Re-Entry Grants

Funds Represent Largest New State Investment In Community-Based Re-Entry Programs In At Least a Decade Attorney General Matt Denn announced Thursday that workshops will be held in early August to explain to non-profit groups how they can apply for grants from $2 million that has been set aside to support community-based efforts to reduce recidivism among […]

Delaware Health Equity Guide: Changing How we Think About Good Health

Good health is more than simply a visit to the doctor. Only about 10 percent of a person’s health status is impacted by traditional medical care. Health is also directly impacted by where people live, work, play, and pray. To empower communities to address these larger environmental issues, the Division of Public Health (DPH) and members of the University of Delaware’s School of Public Policy & Administration released today the Health Equity Guide for Public Health Practitioners and Partners.