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Delaware News

 Pages Tagged With: "grants"

DNREC announces $1.3M Outdoor Recreation, Parks & Trail Program grants award for parks and trails projects

DNREC’s Outdoor Recreation, Parks & Trails Program, formerly known as the Delaware Land & Water Conservation Trust Fund, has awarded $1.29 million to 14 parks and trails projects throughout the state.

DNREC announces latest Recycling Grant awards, disbursing $268,000 for range of recycling projects

he latest round of DNREC’s Universal Recycling Grants and Low-Interest Loan Program has awarded nearly $268,000 to 12 different Delaware entities, municipalities, school districts and multi-family housing complexes.

Pathways to Prosperity Grants Will Support 55 High School Programs Beginning in 2016

Governor Markell announced $600,000 in grants for new high school pathway programs to expand a statewide effort that prepares students to excel in key fields that offer good job opportunities in the new economy.

Small Grants Help Revitalize Downtown Dover

Joined by officials from the City of Dover and Kent County, Governor Markell and Delaware State Housing Authority (DSHA) Director Anas Ben Addi recognized the first recipients of small project grants that were made available through the Governor’s Downtown Development District (DDD) initiative.

Delaware Division of the Arts invests $2.95 million in the arts sector for Fiscal Year 2016

Division grants support a variety of projects and programs, from storytelling for preschool reading readiness, to community-based participatory arts, to professional exhibitions and performances featuring local, national and international artists. These grants support arts programming offered by both arts and community organizations based in 23 large and small communities across Delaware.

 Pages Tagged With: "grants"

DNREC announces $1.3M Outdoor Recreation, Parks & Trail Program grants award for parks and trails projects

DNREC’s Outdoor Recreation, Parks & Trails Program, formerly known as the Delaware Land & Water Conservation Trust Fund, has awarded $1.29 million to 14 parks and trails projects throughout the state.

DNREC announces latest Recycling Grant awards, disbursing $268,000 for range of recycling projects

he latest round of DNREC’s Universal Recycling Grants and Low-Interest Loan Program has awarded nearly $268,000 to 12 different Delaware entities, municipalities, school districts and multi-family housing complexes.

Pathways to Prosperity Grants Will Support 55 High School Programs Beginning in 2016

Governor Markell announced $600,000 in grants for new high school pathway programs to expand a statewide effort that prepares students to excel in key fields that offer good job opportunities in the new economy.

Small Grants Help Revitalize Downtown Dover

Joined by officials from the City of Dover and Kent County, Governor Markell and Delaware State Housing Authority (DSHA) Director Anas Ben Addi recognized the first recipients of small project grants that were made available through the Governor’s Downtown Development District (DDD) initiative.

Delaware Division of the Arts invests $2.95 million in the arts sector for Fiscal Year 2016

Division grants support a variety of projects and programs, from storytelling for preschool reading readiness, to community-based participatory arts, to professional exhibitions and performances featuring local, national and international artists. These grants support arts programming offered by both arts and community organizations based in 23 large and small communities across Delaware.