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Delaware News

 Pages Tagged With: "Invasive species"

Downstate Public Ponds to be Treated for Invasive Aquatic Weed Hydrilla

DNREC will begin treating certain downstate public ponds for the foreign invasive aquatic weed hydrilla starting May 29, weather permitting.

After arriving in Delaware in 2017, spotted lanternfly now confirmed in Sussex County

Five years after the first confirmed spotted lanternfly was found in New Castle County in 2017, the spotted lanternfly has made its way to Sussex County, creating a statewide quarantine for this invasive pest.

Downstate Public Ponds to Be Treated for Invasive Aquatic Weed Hydrilla

With inland water temperatures rising and aquatic plants emerging, the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control will be treating certain downstate public ponds for the nuisance aquatic weed hydrilla, starting the week of May 24, 2021.

Delawareans report receiving mysterious packages of plant seeds

The Delaware Department of Agriculture (DDA) received reports over the weekend from several Delawareans who received unsolicited packages of seeds in shipments from China. Based on information provided by constituents, the packages were sent by mail and may have Chinese writing on them. Anyone who has received such a package is asked to report the shipment to the Smuggling Interdiction and Trade Compliance Program (SITC) by calling the Smuggling Hotline at 1-800-877-3835. Recipients are asked to leave everything inside the package to help investigators trace the origin. No one should ever plant seeds they did not order because they could be an invasive species.

All New Castle County Quarantined As Spotted Lanternfly Move South

Effective July 1, the Delaware Department of Agriculture (DDA) will quarantine New Castle County in its entirety due to established populations of spotted lanternfly found in Odessa.

 Pages Tagged With: "Invasive species"

Downstate Public Ponds to be Treated for Invasive Aquatic Weed Hydrilla

DNREC will begin treating certain downstate public ponds for the foreign invasive aquatic weed hydrilla starting May 29, weather permitting.

After arriving in Delaware in 2017, spotted lanternfly now confirmed in Sussex County

Five years after the first confirmed spotted lanternfly was found in New Castle County in 2017, the spotted lanternfly has made its way to Sussex County, creating a statewide quarantine for this invasive pest.

Downstate Public Ponds to Be Treated for Invasive Aquatic Weed Hydrilla

With inland water temperatures rising and aquatic plants emerging, the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control will be treating certain downstate public ponds for the nuisance aquatic weed hydrilla, starting the week of May 24, 2021.

Delawareans report receiving mysterious packages of plant seeds

The Delaware Department of Agriculture (DDA) received reports over the weekend from several Delawareans who received unsolicited packages of seeds in shipments from China. Based on information provided by constituents, the packages were sent by mail and may have Chinese writing on them. Anyone who has received such a package is asked to report the shipment to the Smuggling Interdiction and Trade Compliance Program (SITC) by calling the Smuggling Hotline at 1-800-877-3835. Recipients are asked to leave everything inside the package to help investigators trace the origin. No one should ever plant seeds they did not order because they could be an invasive species.

All New Castle County Quarantined As Spotted Lanternfly Move South

Effective July 1, the Delaware Department of Agriculture (DDA) will quarantine New Castle County in its entirety due to established populations of spotted lanternfly found in Odessa.