Delaware News

Governor Carney Signs Executive Order Reestablishing the Juvenile Justice Advisory Group (JJAG)

Criminal Justice Council | Department of Labor | Department of Services for Children, Youth and their Families | Former Governor John Carney (2017-2025) | News | Office of the Governor | Date Posted: Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Members will submit recommendations to the Governor, Legislature and Criminal Justice Council by March 2018

Abigail Layton (Deputy Attorney General, Family Division Director), Lisa Minutola (Chief of Legal Services, Office of Defense Services), Judge Robert Coonin (Family Court), Secretary Patrice Gilliam-Johnson (Department of Labor), Secretary Josette Manning (Department of Services for Children, Youth and Their Families), Michael Arrington (Chair, Juvenile Justice Advisory Group), Christian Kervick (Executive Director, Criminal Justice Council), and James Liguori (Chair, Criminal Justice Council) join Governor Carney for a photo after the Governor signed Executive Order #11.

WILMINGTON, Del. Governor John Carney on Wednesday released the following statement after signing Executive Order #11 to reestablish the Juvenile Justice Advisory Group, which will examine ways to prevent youth from entering or re-entering the juvenile and criminal justice systems.

“We want all Delaware kids to become healthy and productive citizens of our state, and that includes preventing kids from going down the wrong path and coordinating services for those leaving the juvenile justice system. The Juvenile Justice Advisory Group will help us create an environment where all Delaware kids have an opportunity to succeed. This Executive Order will recharge and reenergize the group to find solutions that will work.”

The JJAG will advise the Criminal Justice Council on grant applications, assist in the development of a state plan to monitor the juvenile and criminal justice system, and work to ensure that assistance will be equitably available to disadvantaged youth. The group will submit a report with recommendations to the Governor, Legislature and Criminal Justice Council by March 31, 2018.


Click here to view the text of Executive Order 11.


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Governor Carney Signs Executive Order Reestablishing the Juvenile Justice Advisory Group (JJAG)

Criminal Justice Council | Department of Labor | Department of Services for Children, Youth and their Families | Former Governor John Carney (2017-2025) | News | Office of the Governor | Date Posted: Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Members will submit recommendations to the Governor, Legislature and Criminal Justice Council by March 2018

Abigail Layton (Deputy Attorney General, Family Division Director), Lisa Minutola (Chief of Legal Services, Office of Defense Services), Judge Robert Coonin (Family Court), Secretary Patrice Gilliam-Johnson (Department of Labor), Secretary Josette Manning (Department of Services for Children, Youth and Their Families), Michael Arrington (Chair, Juvenile Justice Advisory Group), Christian Kervick (Executive Director, Criminal Justice Council), and James Liguori (Chair, Criminal Justice Council) join Governor Carney for a photo after the Governor signed Executive Order #11.

WILMINGTON, Del. Governor John Carney on Wednesday released the following statement after signing Executive Order #11 to reestablish the Juvenile Justice Advisory Group, which will examine ways to prevent youth from entering or re-entering the juvenile and criminal justice systems.

“We want all Delaware kids to become healthy and productive citizens of our state, and that includes preventing kids from going down the wrong path and coordinating services for those leaving the juvenile justice system. The Juvenile Justice Advisory Group will help us create an environment where all Delaware kids have an opportunity to succeed. This Executive Order will recharge and reenergize the group to find solutions that will work.”

The JJAG will advise the Criminal Justice Council on grant applications, assist in the development of a state plan to monitor the juvenile and criminal justice system, and work to ensure that assistance will be equitably available to disadvantaged youth. The group will submit a report with recommendations to the Governor, Legislature and Criminal Justice Council by March 31, 2018.


Click here to view the text of Executive Order 11.


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