Delaware News

Governor Carney Signs Order Creating the Governor’s State Complete Count Commission

Former Governor John Carney (2017-2025) | Former Lt. Governor Bethany Hall-Long (2017-2025) | Office of the Governor | Office of the Lieutenant Governor | Date Posted: Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Governor Carney signs Executive Order 23

Commission will help ensure a fair and accurate 2020 Census count in Delaware

WILMINGTON, Del. – Governor John Carney on Wednesday signed Executive Order #23 creating the Governor’s Complete Count Commission (SCCC) to assist with the 2020 Census. A recommendation of the U.S. Census Bureau, State Complete Count Commissions will help raise awareness and encourage full participation from Delawareans and make sure everyone is counted.

Lieutenant Governor Bethany Hall-Long will chair the commission. Its membership will be compromised of individuals representing various sectors including state and local government, faith-based organizations, nonprofits, underrepresented populations, and business. The commission will provide a report to the Governor by January 1, 2020 outlining recommendations and strategies for maximizing participation in the 24th decennial census in 2020.

“It’s important that all Delawareans are counted in the next Census, to ensure that all available resources are reaching residents in our state who need them most,” said Governor Carney. “This commission will specifically help identify and reach populations that have historically been difficult to count, including young children, non-English speakers, renters, and homeless Delawareans. Thank you to Lt. Governor Hall-Long for taking the lead on this important effort.”

“I am honored to Chair Delaware’s State Complete Count Commission,” said Lt. Governor Bethany Hall-Long. “Reaching those ‘hard to count’ populations is especially important. Census data is used for so many things from determining the number of congressional seats a state has to the amount of federal dollars a state receives for highways, schools and healthcare just to name a few. That’s why it’s crucial we count everyone in Delaware.”

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, over $600 billion are dispersed from over 300 federal programs based upon census-generated figures.

“As a federally qualified health center, Westside Family Healthcare depends, in part, on Census data to help identify community needs and inform how to best allocate our limited resources to help fill the gap in services,” said Lolita A. Lopez, President & CEO of Westside Family Healthcare, who was appointed by the Governor to serve on the commission. “As an appointed member of the Complete Count Commission, Westside is committed to partnering with Governor Carney, Lt. Governor Hall-Long, and others to encourage the communities we serve to actively participate in the Census process. The 2020 Census is vitally important to Delaware’s future.”

The Reverend Rita Paige, another member of the commission appointed by Governor Carney, added, “Make sure you’re counted. We don’t want anyone left out!”

“We thank Governor Carney for his leadership in establishing the Delaware State Complete Count Commission,” said Fernando Armstrong, Philadelphia Regional Director of the US Census Bureau. “We look forward to working in partnership with Lt Governor Hall-Long and the entire Commission in counting all Delawareans in the 2020 Census.”



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Governor Carney Signs Order Creating the Governor’s State Complete Count Commission

Former Governor John Carney (2017-2025) | Former Lt. Governor Bethany Hall-Long (2017-2025) | Office of the Governor | Office of the Lieutenant Governor | Date Posted: Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Governor Carney signs Executive Order 23

Commission will help ensure a fair and accurate 2020 Census count in Delaware

WILMINGTON, Del. – Governor John Carney on Wednesday signed Executive Order #23 creating the Governor’s Complete Count Commission (SCCC) to assist with the 2020 Census. A recommendation of the U.S. Census Bureau, State Complete Count Commissions will help raise awareness and encourage full participation from Delawareans and make sure everyone is counted.

Lieutenant Governor Bethany Hall-Long will chair the commission. Its membership will be compromised of individuals representing various sectors including state and local government, faith-based organizations, nonprofits, underrepresented populations, and business. The commission will provide a report to the Governor by January 1, 2020 outlining recommendations and strategies for maximizing participation in the 24th decennial census in 2020.

“It’s important that all Delawareans are counted in the next Census, to ensure that all available resources are reaching residents in our state who need them most,” said Governor Carney. “This commission will specifically help identify and reach populations that have historically been difficult to count, including young children, non-English speakers, renters, and homeless Delawareans. Thank you to Lt. Governor Hall-Long for taking the lead on this important effort.”

“I am honored to Chair Delaware’s State Complete Count Commission,” said Lt. Governor Bethany Hall-Long. “Reaching those ‘hard to count’ populations is especially important. Census data is used for so many things from determining the number of congressional seats a state has to the amount of federal dollars a state receives for highways, schools and healthcare just to name a few. That’s why it’s crucial we count everyone in Delaware.”

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, over $600 billion are dispersed from over 300 federal programs based upon census-generated figures.

“As a federally qualified health center, Westside Family Healthcare depends, in part, on Census data to help identify community needs and inform how to best allocate our limited resources to help fill the gap in services,” said Lolita A. Lopez, President & CEO of Westside Family Healthcare, who was appointed by the Governor to serve on the commission. “As an appointed member of the Complete Count Commission, Westside is committed to partnering with Governor Carney, Lt. Governor Hall-Long, and others to encourage the communities we serve to actively participate in the Census process. The 2020 Census is vitally important to Delaware’s future.”

The Reverend Rita Paige, another member of the commission appointed by Governor Carney, added, “Make sure you’re counted. We don’t want anyone left out!”

“We thank Governor Carney for his leadership in establishing the Delaware State Complete Count Commission,” said Fernando Armstrong, Philadelphia Regional Director of the US Census Bureau. “We look forward to working in partnership with Lt Governor Hall-Long and the entire Commission in counting all Delawareans in the 2020 Census.”



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