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Delaware News

  Category: Delaware Public Archives

Conservando Documentos, Fotografías y Memorias Digitales

Delaware Public Archives | Date Posted: Wednesday, September 21, 2016

¿Está buscando la manera de conservar sus fotografías y videos para que las disfruten las futuras generaciones? El sábado 1 de octubre de 2016, los Archivos Públicos de Delaware ofrecerán un taller que explorará los métodos para preservar fotografías, documentos y digitalización de sus memorias y recuerdos familiares. Usted saldrá de esta presentación con los […]

Integrating Your Ancestors into Desktop, Mobile and Cloud Technologies

Delaware Public Archives | Date Posted: Wednesday, August 24, 2016

(Dover, DE) On Saturday, September 3, at 10:30 a.m. Shamele Jordon will present a program at the Delaware Public Archives focusing on new technologies that have proven to be most useful for genealogy research. Through her own quest for her family’s history, the presenter will discuss how she used new genealogical methods such as desktop […]

En Busca de “Pancho” Villa: El Servicio Limítrofe Mexicano de la Guardia Nacional de Delaware de 1916

Delaware Public Archives | Date Posted: Friday, August 19, 2016

En 1916 el General revolucionario mexicano Francisco “Pancho” Villa liderizó la redada contra Columbus en Nuevo México, ciudad norteamericana en la frontera con México. El gobierno de los Estados Unidos envió al General de la Armada, John J. Pershing, a capturar a Villa en lo que fue una fracasada incursión de 9 meses en el […]

In Pursuit of “Pancho” Villa: The Delaware National Guard’s 1916 Mexican Border Service

Delaware Public Archives | Date Posted: Wednesday, August 10, 2016

In 1916, Mexican Revolutionary General Francisco “Pancho” Villa, led a raid against the U.S.-Mexican border town of Columbus, New Mexico. The U.S. government sent U.S. Army General John J. Pershing to capture Villa in an unsuccessful nine-month incursion into Mexican sovereign territory that ended when the United States entered World War I. Among Pershing’s troops […]

Department of State Accepting Comments on Regulations until October 1st

Delaware Public Archives | Date Posted: Tuesday, August 9, 2016

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Heather Contant, Ombudsman 302-736-7564, Dover, DE (August 8, 2016) – The Delaware Department of State held three public hearings last week, one in each county, as part of Governor Jack Markell’s effort to modify or eliminate regulations that may be outdated or unnecessarily burdensome. Members of the public are still encouraged […]

  Category: Delaware Public Archives

Conservando Documentos, Fotografías y Memorias Digitales

Delaware Public Archives | Date Posted: Wednesday, September 21, 2016

¿Está buscando la manera de conservar sus fotografías y videos para que las disfruten las futuras generaciones? El sábado 1 de octubre de 2016, los Archivos Públicos de Delaware ofrecerán un taller que explorará los métodos para preservar fotografías, documentos y digitalización de sus memorias y recuerdos familiares. Usted saldrá de esta presentación con los […]

Integrating Your Ancestors into Desktop, Mobile and Cloud Technologies

Delaware Public Archives | Date Posted: Wednesday, August 24, 2016

(Dover, DE) On Saturday, September 3, at 10:30 a.m. Shamele Jordon will present a program at the Delaware Public Archives focusing on new technologies that have proven to be most useful for genealogy research. Through her own quest for her family’s history, the presenter will discuss how she used new genealogical methods such as desktop […]

En Busca de “Pancho” Villa: El Servicio Limítrofe Mexicano de la Guardia Nacional de Delaware de 1916

Delaware Public Archives | Date Posted: Friday, August 19, 2016

En 1916 el General revolucionario mexicano Francisco “Pancho” Villa liderizó la redada contra Columbus en Nuevo México, ciudad norteamericana en la frontera con México. El gobierno de los Estados Unidos envió al General de la Armada, John J. Pershing, a capturar a Villa en lo que fue una fracasada incursión de 9 meses en el […]

In Pursuit of “Pancho” Villa: The Delaware National Guard’s 1916 Mexican Border Service

Delaware Public Archives | Date Posted: Wednesday, August 10, 2016

In 1916, Mexican Revolutionary General Francisco “Pancho” Villa, led a raid against the U.S.-Mexican border town of Columbus, New Mexico. The U.S. government sent U.S. Army General John J. Pershing to capture Villa in an unsuccessful nine-month incursion into Mexican sovereign territory that ended when the United States entered World War I. Among Pershing’s troops […]

Department of State Accepting Comments on Regulations until October 1st

Delaware Public Archives | Date Posted: Tuesday, August 9, 2016

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Heather Contant, Ombudsman 302-736-7564, Dover, DE (August 8, 2016) – The Delaware Department of State held three public hearings last week, one in each county, as part of Governor Jack Markell’s effort to modify or eliminate regulations that may be outdated or unnecessarily burdensome. Members of the public are still encouraged […]