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Delaware News

 Pages Tagged With: "Arbor Day"

Delaware Forest Service announces Arbor Day School Poster Contest winners

The Delaware Forest Service has announced that Stephen Venable of Milford’s Honor Academy is the statewide winner of its annual Arbor Day School Poster Contest, which featured the theme “Trees are terrific – in all shapes and sizes!” This year, approximately 3,600 students participated in the competition.

Forest Service Seeks Young Artists for Arbor Day Poster Contest

For information, contact: Ashley Peebles, Delaware Forest Service, (302) 698-4551 Email: Attention: calling all young artists who love trees!   The Delaware Forest Service invites students in grades K to 5 to enter its 2013 Arbor Day Poster Contest, which is open to all public, private, charter, and home schools in the First State. […]

Governor Markell Celebrates Arbor Day

Governor Markell Celebrates Arbor Day at Delaware State University

 Pages Tagged With: "Arbor Day"

Delaware Forest Service announces Arbor Day School Poster Contest winners

The Delaware Forest Service has announced that Stephen Venable of Milford’s Honor Academy is the statewide winner of its annual Arbor Day School Poster Contest, which featured the theme “Trees are terrific – in all shapes and sizes!” This year, approximately 3,600 students participated in the competition.

Forest Service Seeks Young Artists for Arbor Day Poster Contest

For information, contact: Ashley Peebles, Delaware Forest Service, (302) 698-4551 Email: Attention: calling all young artists who love trees!   The Delaware Forest Service invites students in grades K to 5 to enter its 2013 Arbor Day Poster Contest, which is open to all public, private, charter, and home schools in the First State. […]

Governor Markell Celebrates Arbor Day

Governor Markell Celebrates Arbor Day at Delaware State University