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Delaware News

 Pages Tagged With: "Delaware"

Twenty-one State Employees and their Family Members Awarded Art Honors

The Awards Show and Closing Reception will be held at Delaware State University’s Arts Center/Gallery on March 14, 2015, 1-3 p.m. Secretary of State Jeffrey W. Bullock and Division of the Arts Deputy Director Kristin Pleasanton will preside at the Awards Ceremony.

Governor’s Weekly Message: Supporting Supplier Diversity to Encourage Increased Business Growth

Governor Markell addresses ongoing efforts to support the supplier diversity community in Delaware.

Governor’s Weekly Message Transcript: Supporting Supplier Diversity to Encourage Increased Business Growth

Entrepreneurs and small businesses are a key part of Delaware’s overall economic success. Our supplier diversity community is no exception. It’s why we’re committed to providing them with the supportive environment they need to thrive – and our ongoing efforts reflect that. Executive Order 44, signed last spring, ensures businesses owned by individuals with disabilities and certain small businesses are able to successfully compete for state contracts as certified diverse suppliers.

Artist Fellow Guy Miller, Jr. to show work in the Mezzanine Gallery in March

An underlying theme in the artist’s work is the testing of social boundaries and accepted behavioral normative conditions. Miller pursues these themes primarily through figurative imagery with stark and sometimes confrontational compositions.

Hannah Sturgis to Represent Delaware in National Finals of Poetry Out Loud

The state Poetry Out Loud competition, sponsored by the Delaware Division of the Arts in partnership with the National Endowment for the Arts and the Poetry Foundation, is part of a national program that encourages high school students to learn about great poetry through memorization, performance, and competition.

 Pages Tagged With: "Delaware"

Twenty-one State Employees and their Family Members Awarded Art Honors

The Awards Show and Closing Reception will be held at Delaware State University’s Arts Center/Gallery on March 14, 2015, 1-3 p.m. Secretary of State Jeffrey W. Bullock and Division of the Arts Deputy Director Kristin Pleasanton will preside at the Awards Ceremony.

Governor’s Weekly Message: Supporting Supplier Diversity to Encourage Increased Business Growth

Governor Markell addresses ongoing efforts to support the supplier diversity community in Delaware.

Governor’s Weekly Message Transcript: Supporting Supplier Diversity to Encourage Increased Business Growth

Entrepreneurs and small businesses are a key part of Delaware’s overall economic success. Our supplier diversity community is no exception. It’s why we’re committed to providing them with the supportive environment they need to thrive – and our ongoing efforts reflect that. Executive Order 44, signed last spring, ensures businesses owned by individuals with disabilities and certain small businesses are able to successfully compete for state contracts as certified diverse suppliers.

Artist Fellow Guy Miller, Jr. to show work in the Mezzanine Gallery in March

An underlying theme in the artist’s work is the testing of social boundaries and accepted behavioral normative conditions. Miller pursues these themes primarily through figurative imagery with stark and sometimes confrontational compositions.

Hannah Sturgis to Represent Delaware in National Finals of Poetry Out Loud

The state Poetry Out Loud competition, sponsored by the Delaware Division of the Arts in partnership with the National Endowment for the Arts and the Poetry Foundation, is part of a national program that encourages high school students to learn about great poetry through memorization, performance, and competition.