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Delaware News

 Pages Tagged With: "Delaware"

Governor’s Weekly Message: Preparing Students for Post-Secondary Education Success

Governor Markell highlights a new partnership in Delaware focused on reducing college remediation rates.

“Pioneers in the Music Industry: Emile Berliner”–Program at Dover, Del.’s Johnson Victrola Museum on Oct. 4, 2014

Oliver Berliner, grandson of the inventor of the phonograph, to speak at the program.

IMLS Interview: Delaware Division of Libraries

For Immediate Release: The

Governor’s Weekly Message: Supporting Students’ Emotional and Academic Growth

Delaware Children’s Department Secretary Jennifer Ranji discusses a statewide effort to place licensed mental health professionals into middle schools.

Museums of the state of Delaware to feature 10 free programs in October 2014

William Penn Day; Emile Berliner, a pioneer of the music industry; and a Day in the Life of the John Dickinson Plantation to be featured.

 Pages Tagged With: "Delaware"

Governor’s Weekly Message: Preparing Students for Post-Secondary Education Success

Governor Markell highlights a new partnership in Delaware focused on reducing college remediation rates.

“Pioneers in the Music Industry: Emile Berliner”–Program at Dover, Del.’s Johnson Victrola Museum on Oct. 4, 2014

Oliver Berliner, grandson of the inventor of the phonograph, to speak at the program.

IMLS Interview: Delaware Division of Libraries

For Immediate Release: The

Governor’s Weekly Message: Supporting Students’ Emotional and Academic Growth

Delaware Children’s Department Secretary Jennifer Ranji discusses a statewide effort to place licensed mental health professionals into middle schools.

Museums of the state of Delaware to feature 10 free programs in October 2014

William Penn Day; Emile Berliner, a pioneer of the music industry; and a Day in the Life of the John Dickinson Plantation to be featured.