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Delaware News

 Pages Tagged With: "in-person learning"

Delaware students thrive during in-person learning

Thanks to the hard work of educators and school staff across the state, including careful planning and conscientious following of needed safety measures and protocols, students in most schools across Delaware have been given the option to return to some form of in-person learning if their families so choose. The Delaware Division of Public Health reports that school faculty and staff’s hard work has paid off with low COVID-19 cases numbers in schools and –  similar to what has been found nationally and internationally – no significant spread in schools.

 Pages Tagged With: "in-person learning"

Delaware students thrive during in-person learning

Thanks to the hard work of educators and school staff across the state, including careful planning and conscientious following of needed safety measures and protocols, students in most schools across Delaware have been given the option to return to some form of in-person learning if their families so choose. The Delaware Division of Public Health reports that school faculty and staff’s hard work has paid off with low COVID-19 cases numbers in schools and –  similar to what has been found nationally and internationally – no significant spread in schools.