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Delaware News

  Archives:  January 2014

Biden urges Target customers to take advantage of free credit monitoring in wake of data breach

Department of Justice | Fraud | News | Date Posted: Friday, January 24, 2014

Wilmington – Attorney General Beau Biden is urging Delawareans who have shopped at Target to register through the company for free credit monitoring being offered in the wake of a massive breach of customer data. “Target is doing the responsible thing by offering free credit monitoring to all of its customers and I encourage consumers […]

The Milford School Desegregation Crisis of 1954

Delaware Public Archives | Date Posted: Friday, January 24, 2014

In honor of African American History Month, the Delaware Public Archives will present a special program to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the Brown v. Board of Education case on Saturday, February 1, 2014, 10:30 a.m. Following the Supreme Court’s landmark decision in the Brown v. Board of Education in May 1954, Milford High School […]

Governor’s Weekly Message: Unleashing the Potential in Every Delawarean

Former Governor Jack Markell (2009-2017) | News | Date Posted: Friday, January 24, 2014

Governor Markell laid out his priorities for 2014 while delivering his annual State of the State address in the House Chamber of Legislative Hall yesterday.

Governor’s Weekly Message Transcript: Unleashing the Potential in Every Delawarean

Former Governor Jack Markell (2009-2017) | News | Date Posted: Friday, January 24, 2014

We must commit to unleashing the potential of every Delawarean by ensuring equal opportunities to acquire good education and training, find good jobs, and live in safe and vibrant communities. That was my message to our legislature and people across Delaware when I laid out priorities for 2014 in my annual State of the State speech this week.

Department of Elections for New Castle County issues 2013 Voter Registration Report

Department of Elections - New Castle County Office | Department of Elections - State Election Commissioner | News | Date Posted: Thursday, January 23, 2014

The Department of Elections for New Castle County issues the 2013 Voter Registration Report as required by Delaware Code, Title 15, ss2052. The 2013 report shows that the Department registered 13,424 new voters, updated addresses for 21,269 registered voters and cancelled the registrations of 19,243 registered voters.

  Archives:  January 2014

Biden urges Target customers to take advantage of free credit monitoring in wake of data breach

Department of Justice | Fraud | News | Date Posted: Friday, January 24, 2014

Wilmington – Attorney General Beau Biden is urging Delawareans who have shopped at Target to register through the company for free credit monitoring being offered in the wake of a massive breach of customer data. “Target is doing the responsible thing by offering free credit monitoring to all of its customers and I encourage consumers […]

The Milford School Desegregation Crisis of 1954

Delaware Public Archives | Date Posted: Friday, January 24, 2014

In honor of African American History Month, the Delaware Public Archives will present a special program to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the Brown v. Board of Education case on Saturday, February 1, 2014, 10:30 a.m. Following the Supreme Court’s landmark decision in the Brown v. Board of Education in May 1954, Milford High School […]

Governor’s Weekly Message: Unleashing the Potential in Every Delawarean

Former Governor Jack Markell (2009-2017) | News | Date Posted: Friday, January 24, 2014

Governor Markell laid out his priorities for 2014 while delivering his annual State of the State address in the House Chamber of Legislative Hall yesterday.

Governor’s Weekly Message Transcript: Unleashing the Potential in Every Delawarean

Former Governor Jack Markell (2009-2017) | News | Date Posted: Friday, January 24, 2014

We must commit to unleashing the potential of every Delawarean by ensuring equal opportunities to acquire good education and training, find good jobs, and live in safe and vibrant communities. That was my message to our legislature and people across Delaware when I laid out priorities for 2014 in my annual State of the State speech this week.

Department of Elections for New Castle County issues 2013 Voter Registration Report

Department of Elections - New Castle County Office | Department of Elections - State Election Commissioner | News | Date Posted: Thursday, January 23, 2014

The Department of Elections for New Castle County issues the 2013 Voter Registration Report as required by Delaware Code, Title 15, ss2052. The 2013 report shows that the Department registered 13,424 new voters, updated addresses for 21,269 registered voters and cancelled the registrations of 19,243 registered voters.