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Delaware News

  Category: Department of Education

Warm Clothing Drive Once Again Collecting Hugs and Connecting Hearts for Delaware’s Children

Delaware Health and Social Services | Department of Education | Department of Services for Children, Youth and their Families | Education | Governor John Carney | Governor's Advisory Council for Exceptional Citizens | Lt. Governor Bethany Hall-Long | News | Office of Management and Budget | Office of the Governor | Office of the Lieutenant Governor | Weather | Date Posted: Thursday, December 27, 2018

The Governor’s Advisory Council for Exceptional Citizens (GACEC) and its community partners, are pleased to report that the Heart 2 Heart Hugs campaign has now begun. Heart 2 Heart Hugs is focused on providing warmth, comfort, hugs and smiles for kids and young adults in Delaware who are homeless or in foster care. Donations of […]

Delaware Report Card to launch in January

Department of Education | News | Date Posted: Friday, December 21, 2018

The Delaware Department of Education will launch the first phase of its new Delaware Report Card, a more consumer-friendly site to provide important educational information to Delaware families, on Jan. 16.

2018 Education Preparation reports show programs’ progress

Department of Education | News | Date Posted: Monday, December 10, 2018

he Delaware Department of Education today released 2018 biennial reports on the state’s teacher and specialist educator preparation programs, part of a comprehensive effort to strengthen educator preparation programs in the First State. The reports provide information ranging from the diversity of programs’ candidate classes to student performance outcomes of graduates, to employment placement and retention within the state.

16 schools to be honored for students’ academic achievement

Department of Education | News | Date Posted: Friday, November 30, 2018

Secretary of Education Susan Bunting will recognize 16 schools from across the state for their students’ academic achievement on Monday, Dec. 10. The students showed exceptional performance on state tests or made remarkable progress in closing the achievement gaps between student groups, including those from low-income families, racial minority groups and students with disabilities.

First Lady Tracey Quillen Carney: 2019 Kindergarten Registration Starts Now

Department of Education | Education | Governor John Carney | Kent County | New Castle County | News | Office of the Governor | Sussex County | Date Posted: Friday, November 23, 2018

Op-ed by Tracey Quillen Carney, First Lady of Delaware Honorary Chair, Kindergarten Registration Campaign This month, we launched the first ever Kindergarten Registration Campaign in Delaware. And I can hear families asking exactly what I would have asked in the hectic preschool years of our kids’ lives: “You want me to think about next fall […]

  Category: Department of Education

Warm Clothing Drive Once Again Collecting Hugs and Connecting Hearts for Delaware’s Children

Delaware Health and Social Services | Department of Education | Department of Services for Children, Youth and their Families | Education | Governor John Carney | Governor's Advisory Council for Exceptional Citizens | Lt. Governor Bethany Hall-Long | News | Office of Management and Budget | Office of the Governor | Office of the Lieutenant Governor | Weather | Date Posted: Thursday, December 27, 2018

The Governor’s Advisory Council for Exceptional Citizens (GACEC) and its community partners, are pleased to report that the Heart 2 Heart Hugs campaign has now begun. Heart 2 Heart Hugs is focused on providing warmth, comfort, hugs and smiles for kids and young adults in Delaware who are homeless or in foster care. Donations of […]

Delaware Report Card to launch in January

Department of Education | News | Date Posted: Friday, December 21, 2018

The Delaware Department of Education will launch the first phase of its new Delaware Report Card, a more consumer-friendly site to provide important educational information to Delaware families, on Jan. 16.

2018 Education Preparation reports show programs’ progress

Department of Education | News | Date Posted: Monday, December 10, 2018

he Delaware Department of Education today released 2018 biennial reports on the state’s teacher and specialist educator preparation programs, part of a comprehensive effort to strengthen educator preparation programs in the First State. The reports provide information ranging from the diversity of programs’ candidate classes to student performance outcomes of graduates, to employment placement and retention within the state.

16 schools to be honored for students’ academic achievement

Department of Education | News | Date Posted: Friday, November 30, 2018

Secretary of Education Susan Bunting will recognize 16 schools from across the state for their students’ academic achievement on Monday, Dec. 10. The students showed exceptional performance on state tests or made remarkable progress in closing the achievement gaps between student groups, including those from low-income families, racial minority groups and students with disabilities.

First Lady Tracey Quillen Carney: 2019 Kindergarten Registration Starts Now

Department of Education | Education | Governor John Carney | Kent County | New Castle County | News | Office of the Governor | Sussex County | Date Posted: Friday, November 23, 2018

Op-ed by Tracey Quillen Carney, First Lady of Delaware Honorary Chair, Kindergarten Registration Campaign This month, we launched the first ever Kindergarten Registration Campaign in Delaware. And I can hear families asking exactly what I would have asked in the hectic preschool years of our kids’ lives: “You want me to think about next fall […]