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Delaware News

 Pages Tagged With: "Delaware"

Drug-Related “Criminal Nuisance” Property In Selbyville Closed By Court Order

Rapes, Drugs, Robbery, Witness Intimidation Also Part Of Recent DOJ Cases A house near Selbyville that had been the site of multiple drug crimes and police calls since 2014 was boarded up as a result of work by the Department of Justice and Delaware State Police to deem it a criminal nuisance property. The property […]

Four Academies of Business Information Management to launch in fall

For four Delaware high schools, the 2018-19 school year will be the launch of the NAF Academy of Business Information Management program.

State will not move forward with current proposed anti-discrimination regulation

The Delaware Department of Education announced on Thursday that it will not be moving forward to finalize the current proposed version of Regulation 225. The department received more than 6,000 comments in response to the revised proposed 225 Prohibition of Discrimination Regulation, which was published in the June Register of Regulations. Those comments now are available online for public review.

2018 state assessment results hold steady

Statewide assessment results released today show gains made in some districts and schools with local administrators crediting a variety of supports for their students’ growth.

Charges of Attempted Murder, Robbery, Assault, Burglary, Vehicle Death In Various Cases Result in Pleas, Convictions, Prison

For Immediate Release Please Contact: Julia Lawes, 302-577-8901   Charges of Attempted Murder, Robbery, Assault, Burglary, Vehicle Death In Various Cases Result in Pleas, Convictions, Prison   Jonathan Dryburgh, a 24-year-old Florida man, pled guilty to Attempted Murder, Robbery 2nd, Possession of a Firearm During Commission of a Felony, Resisting Arrest, and Possession of a […]

 Pages Tagged With: "Delaware"

Drug-Related “Criminal Nuisance” Property In Selbyville Closed By Court Order

Rapes, Drugs, Robbery, Witness Intimidation Also Part Of Recent DOJ Cases A house near Selbyville that had been the site of multiple drug crimes and police calls since 2014 was boarded up as a result of work by the Department of Justice and Delaware State Police to deem it a criminal nuisance property. The property […]

Four Academies of Business Information Management to launch in fall

For four Delaware high schools, the 2018-19 school year will be the launch of the NAF Academy of Business Information Management program.

State will not move forward with current proposed anti-discrimination regulation

The Delaware Department of Education announced on Thursday that it will not be moving forward to finalize the current proposed version of Regulation 225. The department received more than 6,000 comments in response to the revised proposed 225 Prohibition of Discrimination Regulation, which was published in the June Register of Regulations. Those comments now are available online for public review.

2018 state assessment results hold steady

Statewide assessment results released today show gains made in some districts and schools with local administrators crediting a variety of supports for their students’ growth.

Charges of Attempted Murder, Robbery, Assault, Burglary, Vehicle Death In Various Cases Result in Pleas, Convictions, Prison

For Immediate Release Please Contact: Julia Lawes, 302-577-8901   Charges of Attempted Murder, Robbery, Assault, Burglary, Vehicle Death In Various Cases Result in Pleas, Convictions, Prison   Jonathan Dryburgh, a 24-year-old Florida man, pled guilty to Attempted Murder, Robbery 2nd, Possession of a Firearm During Commission of a Felony, Resisting Arrest, and Possession of a […]