Delaware News

Office of the State Treasurer Working to Deliver Tax Rebate Checks

Office of the State Treasurer | State Treasurer Colleen C. Davis | Date Posted: Thursday, April 14, 2022

With today’s passage of H.B. 360, most Delawareans will soon receive a one-time relief rebate check for $300. State Treasurer Colleen Davis, who played a role in seeing there was enough money to afford the rebate, now leads the effort to get the checks in the mail.

“As a member of the Delaware Economic and Financial Advisory Council (DEFAC), I’m pleased to be part of the team that identified the state’s current surplus, enabling members of the General Assembly to propose and pass this critical legislation,” Davis said. “Thanks to bipartisan support from leaders in the General Assembly, Governor Carney quickly signed the legislation that now allows our office to begin processing the checks.”

The Office of State Treasurer Colleen Davis, along with its banking partner JP Morgan Chase, holds the responsibility for the process of accurate and timely disbursements of these tax rebate checks. The Office explored all options available and developed the most secure and efficient method of printing and distributing the checks as quickly as possible.

“I want to thank the Division of Revenue along with the Department of Finance for providing our team and JP Morgan Chase with the information we need to expedite the check printing in accordance with our standards of practice,” Davis said. “Finance Secretary Geisenberger’s team will also develop the infrastructure to get rebates to qualified taxpayers not required to file a return. This bi-partisan, inter-agency effort is just another example of how we can work together for the benefit of our citizens.”


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Office of the State Treasurer Working to Deliver Tax Rebate Checks

Office of the State Treasurer | State Treasurer Colleen C. Davis | Date Posted: Thursday, April 14, 2022

With today’s passage of H.B. 360, most Delawareans will soon receive a one-time relief rebate check for $300. State Treasurer Colleen Davis, who played a role in seeing there was enough money to afford the rebate, now leads the effort to get the checks in the mail.

“As a member of the Delaware Economic and Financial Advisory Council (DEFAC), I’m pleased to be part of the team that identified the state’s current surplus, enabling members of the General Assembly to propose and pass this critical legislation,” Davis said. “Thanks to bipartisan support from leaders in the General Assembly, Governor Carney quickly signed the legislation that now allows our office to begin processing the checks.”

The Office of State Treasurer Colleen Davis, along with its banking partner JP Morgan Chase, holds the responsibility for the process of accurate and timely disbursements of these tax rebate checks. The Office explored all options available and developed the most secure and efficient method of printing and distributing the checks as quickly as possible.

“I want to thank the Division of Revenue along with the Department of Finance for providing our team and JP Morgan Chase with the information we need to expedite the check printing in accordance with our standards of practice,” Davis said. “Finance Secretary Geisenberger’s team will also develop the infrastructure to get rebates to qualified taxpayers not required to file a return. This bi-partisan, inter-agency effort is just another example of how we can work together for the benefit of our citizens.”


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