Delaware News

Governor Carney Declares State of Emergency to Coordinate Tropical Storm Response and Recovery

Delaware Emergency Management Agency | Department of Transportation | Former Governor John Carney (2017-2025) | News | Office of the Governor | Weather | Date Posted: Tuesday, August 4, 2020

WILMINGTON, Del Governor John Carney on Tuesday issued a State of Emergency to coordinate response and recovery efforts following the high winds, heavy rainfall, tornadoes, and flooding due to Tropical Storm Isaias. The State of Emergency is effective as of 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday, August 4, 2020, until further notice.

“Several communities in Delaware experienced significant damage from Tropical Storm Isaias,” said Governor Carney. “We are declaring a State of Emergency to provide coordinated assistance for response and recovery efforts from this storm damage. Severe weather can happen quickly. I urge all Delawareans to stay safe, and prepare for any future weather events by visiting”

The State of Emergency allows the Delaware Emergency Management Agency (DEMA) to direct and coordinate the resources to assist with response in the areas affected by the storm. The State of Emergency also directs the Delaware Department of Transportation and the Delaware State Police, in consultation with DEMA and the Secretary of the Department of Safety and Homeland Security, to close bridges and roads as necessary to protect the health and safety of Delawareans and travelers.

Read State of Emergency


Related news:

Tropical Storm Isaias Damage Reporting

Tropical Storm Warning for Delaware

DelDOT Advisory for Tropical Storm Impact


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Governor Carney Declares State of Emergency to Coordinate Tropical Storm Response and Recovery

Delaware Emergency Management Agency | Department of Transportation | Former Governor John Carney (2017-2025) | News | Office of the Governor | Weather | Date Posted: Tuesday, August 4, 2020

WILMINGTON, Del Governor John Carney on Tuesday issued a State of Emergency to coordinate response and recovery efforts following the high winds, heavy rainfall, tornadoes, and flooding due to Tropical Storm Isaias. The State of Emergency is effective as of 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday, August 4, 2020, until further notice.

“Several communities in Delaware experienced significant damage from Tropical Storm Isaias,” said Governor Carney. “We are declaring a State of Emergency to provide coordinated assistance for response and recovery efforts from this storm damage. Severe weather can happen quickly. I urge all Delawareans to stay safe, and prepare for any future weather events by visiting”

The State of Emergency allows the Delaware Emergency Management Agency (DEMA) to direct and coordinate the resources to assist with response in the areas affected by the storm. The State of Emergency also directs the Delaware Department of Transportation and the Delaware State Police, in consultation with DEMA and the Secretary of the Department of Safety and Homeland Security, to close bridges and roads as necessary to protect the health and safety of Delawareans and travelers.

Read State of Emergency


Related news:

Tropical Storm Isaias Damage Reporting

Tropical Storm Warning for Delaware

DelDOT Advisory for Tropical Storm Impact


Related Topics:  , , ,

A graphic of a storm

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