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Delaware News

 Pages Tagged With: "statement"

Governor Carney’s Statement on Equal Rights Amendment

DOVER, Del. – Governor John Carney on Thursday issued the following statement on the Senate and House votes to pass the first leg of the Equal Rights Amendment: “Thank you to members of the Delaware House and Senate for their vote to approve the first leg of the Equal Rights Amendment to Delaware’s Constitution. This […]

Governor Carney’s Statement on Assault Weapons Legislation

DOVER, Del. – Governor John Carney on Wednesday released the following statement on the Senate Judiciary Committee’s action on Senate Bill 163: “I am extremely disappointed that the full Delaware Senate will not get a chance to vote on Senate Bill 163. As we’ve seen in mass shootings across our country, these weapons can be […]

Governor Carney’s Statement on Joint Finance Committee Vote to Limit Spending

WILMINGTON, Del. – Governor John Carney on Tuesday issued the following statement on the Joint Finance Committee’s vote to appropriate only 97 percent of available revenue this year and conserve surplus revenue: “Delaware has a tradition of fiscal responsibility, and I want to thank members of the Joint Finance Committee for their vote today, which […]

Governor Carney, JFC Co-Chairs Release Statements on DEFAC Estimates

WILMINGTON, Del. – Governor John Carney and the co-chairs of the General Assembly’s Joint Finance Committee, Senator Harris McDowell and Representative Melanie George Smith, released the following statements Monday on the latest revenue estimates from the Delaware Economic and Financial Advisory Council: “We’ve been focused since I took office on limiting spending growth, on directing […]

Delaware Moving Forward to Implement Full-Scale Sports Gaming

Department of Finance, Delaware Lottery expect to launch in June WILMINGTON, Del. – The Delaware Department of Finance, in consultation with the Attorney General’s Office, has determined that there are no legal obstacles to moving forward with full-scale sports betting in Delaware, including head-to-head-betting, which permits single-game wagering. Under state law passed in 2009, Delaware […]

 Pages Tagged With: "statement"

Governor Carney’s Statement on Equal Rights Amendment

DOVER, Del. – Governor John Carney on Thursday issued the following statement on the Senate and House votes to pass the first leg of the Equal Rights Amendment: “Thank you to members of the Delaware House and Senate for their vote to approve the first leg of the Equal Rights Amendment to Delaware’s Constitution. This […]

Governor Carney’s Statement on Assault Weapons Legislation

DOVER, Del. – Governor John Carney on Wednesday released the following statement on the Senate Judiciary Committee’s action on Senate Bill 163: “I am extremely disappointed that the full Delaware Senate will not get a chance to vote on Senate Bill 163. As we’ve seen in mass shootings across our country, these weapons can be […]

Governor Carney’s Statement on Joint Finance Committee Vote to Limit Spending

WILMINGTON, Del. – Governor John Carney on Tuesday issued the following statement on the Joint Finance Committee’s vote to appropriate only 97 percent of available revenue this year and conserve surplus revenue: “Delaware has a tradition of fiscal responsibility, and I want to thank members of the Joint Finance Committee for their vote today, which […]

Governor Carney, JFC Co-Chairs Release Statements on DEFAC Estimates

WILMINGTON, Del. – Governor John Carney and the co-chairs of the General Assembly’s Joint Finance Committee, Senator Harris McDowell and Representative Melanie George Smith, released the following statements Monday on the latest revenue estimates from the Delaware Economic and Financial Advisory Council: “We’ve been focused since I took office on limiting spending growth, on directing […]

Delaware Moving Forward to Implement Full-Scale Sports Gaming

Department of Finance, Delaware Lottery expect to launch in June WILMINGTON, Del. – The Delaware Department of Finance, in consultation with the Attorney General’s Office, has determined that there are no legal obstacles to moving forward with full-scale sports betting in Delaware, including head-to-head-betting, which permits single-game wagering. Under state law passed in 2009, Delaware […]