“Baby It’s Cold Outside”
Delaware Health and Social Services | Department of Education | Governor's Advisory Council for Exceptional Citizens | News | Date Posted: Monday, January 14, 2019
Delaware Health and Social Services | Department of Education | Governor's Advisory Council for Exceptional Citizens | News | Date Posted: Monday, January 14, 2019
The 10th Annual Heart 2 Heart Hugs Campaign for Delaware’s Homeless Children Need Coats, Hats, Sleeping Bags, Gloves and other warm new or hand made items.
It’s been a decade since the Governor’s Advisory Council for Exceptional Citizens (GACEC) has orchestrated the Heart 2 Heart Hugs campaign which provides warm winter clothes to school districts for homeless children in Delaware. “The thought behind it is to provide a warm comfy hug to Delaware’s homeless and children in foster care. We do this through warm winter clothes,” said Wendy Strauss the Executive Director of the Governor’s Advisory Council for Exceptional Citizens.
This campaign originally started as Project Hug and Sleeping Bag Campaign. “Sleeping bags gave children something they could carry from place to place that is theirs; a comfort item providing a sense of security,” said Strauss. The GACEC is looking for NEW hats, coats, scarves, gloves, buntings, snow suits, footie pajamas, blankets, comforters, sleeping bags, snow pants and hoodies for homeless children and foster care children from birth through 18 years of age.
This years distribution is on Valentines day with distribution to schools and foster care programs across Delaware. Some claim that this is too late for such a campaign. Wendy Strauss responded, “ Some of the items do go to students this winter. Mostly the schools need their inventory restocked so they have it when the need arises at the beginning and throughout the school year. Right now, retail stores are reducing their winter wear so it is a good time to buy and donate to the campaign.”
Donations will be accepted until February 12, 2019 at the 30 drop-off locations throughout the state. A list of donations sites can be found at https://gacec.delaware.gov/wp-content/uploads/sites/35/2018/12/Heart-2-Heart-Hugs-2018-3.pdf For additional information please contact Kathie Cherry by calling 302-739-4553 or email her at Kathie.cherry@gacec.k12.de.us and if you would like to donate items for Delaware’s homeless children.
Related Topics: GACEC
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Delaware Health and Social Services | Department of Education | Governor's Advisory Council for Exceptional Citizens | News | Date Posted: Monday, January 14, 2019
The 10th Annual Heart 2 Heart Hugs Campaign for Delaware’s Homeless Children Need Coats, Hats, Sleeping Bags, Gloves and other warm new or hand made items.
It’s been a decade since the Governor’s Advisory Council for Exceptional Citizens (GACEC) has orchestrated the Heart 2 Heart Hugs campaign which provides warm winter clothes to school districts for homeless children in Delaware. “The thought behind it is to provide a warm comfy hug to Delaware’s homeless and children in foster care. We do this through warm winter clothes,” said Wendy Strauss the Executive Director of the Governor’s Advisory Council for Exceptional Citizens.
This campaign originally started as Project Hug and Sleeping Bag Campaign. “Sleeping bags gave children something they could carry from place to place that is theirs; a comfort item providing a sense of security,” said Strauss. The GACEC is looking for NEW hats, coats, scarves, gloves, buntings, snow suits, footie pajamas, blankets, comforters, sleeping bags, snow pants and hoodies for homeless children and foster care children from birth through 18 years of age.
This years distribution is on Valentines day with distribution to schools and foster care programs across Delaware. Some claim that this is too late for such a campaign. Wendy Strauss responded, “ Some of the items do go to students this winter. Mostly the schools need their inventory restocked so they have it when the need arises at the beginning and throughout the school year. Right now, retail stores are reducing their winter wear so it is a good time to buy and donate to the campaign.”
Donations will be accepted until February 12, 2019 at the 30 drop-off locations throughout the state. A list of donations sites can be found at https://gacec.delaware.gov/wp-content/uploads/sites/35/2018/12/Heart-2-Heart-Hugs-2018-3.pdf For additional information please contact Kathie Cherry by calling 302-739-4553 or email her at Kathie.cherry@gacec.k12.de.us and if you would like to donate items for Delaware’s homeless children.
Related Topics: GACEC
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