Delaware News

Traffic Safety News – Cell Phone in One Hand, Ticket in the Other.

Traffic Safety News | Date Posted: Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Did you know that in 2012, 13,000 citations were issued statewide to people using a hand-held cell phone?  For some, using a cell phone, smart phone, or other electronic device is part of daily life.  We depend on this technology not only for communication, but for a variety of other reasons that make it difficult to put the phone down, even for a short period of time. But there is risk involved with being distracted while you are behind the wheel.

What you need to know

OHS would like to remind you that using a cell-phone or other device while driving is a dangerous and potential deadly combination.

  • Nationally, distracted driving is responsible for 3,000 deaths a year.
  • 54% of cell phone related crashes in Delaware are caused by a person under the age of 30 (2010-2012).
  • Of these motorists under 30, males account for 60% of the crashes and females account for 40%.
  • Data shows that cell phone related crashes increase around lunch time and between 1 – 2 am, when bars close.

What you can do

Delaware has a primary law that prohibits ALL drivers from texting, or using handheld cell phones while driving unless they employ a hands-free device.

  • Having a “primary law” means that an officer can ticket the driver for the offense without any other traffic violation taking place.
  • Since the average fine and court costs total over $100, it is best to turn off the phone and put it away until you have reached your destination. If you need to make a call or send a message, pull off the road to a safe location.
  • During a high visibility enforcement and education mobilization in November, 1830 citations were written in a 2-week period of time.

Remember, if you have a cell phone in one hand, you may have a ticket in the other.

Drive Safe.  Arrive Alive DE.

This message is being sent to you from the Office of Highway Safety, who asks you to drive safely at all times.  For more information on this and other traffic safety programs, go to


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Traffic Safety News – Cell Phone in One Hand, Ticket in the Other.

Traffic Safety News | Date Posted: Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Did you know that in 2012, 13,000 citations were issued statewide to people using a hand-held cell phone?  For some, using a cell phone, smart phone, or other electronic device is part of daily life.  We depend on this technology not only for communication, but for a variety of other reasons that make it difficult to put the phone down, even for a short period of time. But there is risk involved with being distracted while you are behind the wheel.

What you need to know

OHS would like to remind you that using a cell-phone or other device while driving is a dangerous and potential deadly combination.

  • Nationally, distracted driving is responsible for 3,000 deaths a year.
  • 54% of cell phone related crashes in Delaware are caused by a person under the age of 30 (2010-2012).
  • Of these motorists under 30, males account for 60% of the crashes and females account for 40%.
  • Data shows that cell phone related crashes increase around lunch time and between 1 – 2 am, when bars close.

What you can do

Delaware has a primary law that prohibits ALL drivers from texting, or using handheld cell phones while driving unless they employ a hands-free device.

  • Having a “primary law” means that an officer can ticket the driver for the offense without any other traffic violation taking place.
  • Since the average fine and court costs total over $100, it is best to turn off the phone and put it away until you have reached your destination. If you need to make a call or send a message, pull off the road to a safe location.
  • During a high visibility enforcement and education mobilization in November, 1830 citations were written in a 2-week period of time.

Remember, if you have a cell phone in one hand, you may have a ticket in the other.

Drive Safe.  Arrive Alive DE.

This message is being sent to you from the Office of Highway Safety, who asks you to drive safely at all times.  For more information on this and other traffic safety programs, go to


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